Author Topic: SmartBOB-USB plug-in updated to 0.38.188 - PMDX-424 Rev B support added  (Read 5209 times)

Steve Stallings

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The Mach4Hobby plugin for the SmartBOB-USB family of controllers has been updated to version 0.38.188, released 06 April 2016.  This plug-in tested with Mach4 builds 2872 through 2914 and should work with later builds unless the API is changed..

New features since Version 0.36.171:

    Support PMDX-424 Revision B boards

    Support spindle RPM calculations using a 1 pulse-per-revolution sensor

    Support M62/M63 real-time output commands

    Add M6 (tool change) macro to the PMDX sample profile

Bug Fixes Since Version 0.36.171:

    Re-send device configuration after communication timeout

    Resynchronize the machine's actual position to Mach4 after hitting a
    limit switch or getting and EStop or 'Disable' during motion

    Fixed bug that caused motion underrun on very short jog moves
    (mostly cause by VistaCNC iMach pendants, but can also be caused by
    certain motor tuning settings)

    Enable the PMDX-424 Motor3 "Slave" step output (appears on screw terminal
    connector J11 as "Motor 3B Step").

    Prevent spindle TIMING input messages from flooding the debug log and crashing Mach4

    Improve communication error handling and recovery

Full details HERE:

This updated plug-in can be downloaded HERE:

[EDIT: corrected version number in subject & first line of message]
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 03:48:11 AM by Bob at PMDX »
Steve Stallings

Bob at PMDX

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Release version number is 0.38.188 (fixed in post above and subject line).
Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.