Author Topic: How to capture a debug log file and send to PMDX  (Read 6811 times)

Bob at PMDX

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How to capture a debug log file and send to PMDX
« on: April 06, 2015, 12:04:04 AM »
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Sometimes we will ask you to to enable the SmartBOB Plug-in's debug log, run a test for us and then send us the resulting log file.  Here are the steps you need to do this:

(1) Display the SmartBOB plug-in configuration dialog box.  To do so, with Mach4 running select the "Configure" menu, highlight "Plugins" and then select the "PMDX-SmartBOBUSB" (see the first image below).  In older versions of Mach4, go to the "Configure" menu and select "Plugins". Then click on the "Configure" button on the "PMDX-SmartBOB-USB" line.

(2) Enable the debug log: click on the "Debug" tab (see 2nd image), the change the settings as instructed by PMDX.  Usually this will be "Debug Mode" set to "Debug" and "Debug Device" set to "File" (see the 3rd image).  BUT NOT ALWAYS!!!

(3) Save settings and exit Mach4: click on "OK" to close the SmartBOB configuration dialog, then "OK" again to close the plug-in configuration window.

(4) OPTIONAL (and recommended unless instructed by PMDX to *NOT* do this): Restart Mach4  - exit Mach4, wait at least 10 seconds, then re-run Mach4.

(5) Run the test as described by PMDX.  Make notes of every step that you do.  For example: started Mach4, did a "Ref All Home", jogged the X axis 3 inches to the right, etc.  We will need that information to help process the log file.

(6) Disable the debug log: Go back to the SmartBOB "debug" configuration tab (see steps 1 and 2 above).  Click on the "Restore Default Settings" button (see 4th image).  Click on "OK" to close the SmartBOB configuration window, then "OK" again to close the Mach4 plug-in configuration dialog.

(7) Exit Mach4

(8) Send PMDX the debug log file.  If you are running Mach4 build 2580 or higher there is a function built in to Mach4 to create a "package", which you can then send to us.  This package includes all of the files associated with the current Mach4 profile (including our log files) as well as a copy of your screen set.  To create this package, go to the Mach4 "Help" menu and select "Support", and then "Package Current Profile".  By default Mach4 will save this in the Mach4 installation directory (usually C:Mach4Hoby), but you have the option of saving the file somewhere else.  Send us this file.

If you are running an older Mach4 build (earlier than 2580), then you will have to send the log file to us yourself.  The log file is named "PMDX-SmartBOB-USB.log" and will be stored in one of two places, depending on which version of our plug-in you are running.  In the examples below I presume that you installed Mach4 in the default "C:Mach4Hobby" directory.  If you installed Mach4 in a different directory, then substitute the actual install directory where you see "C:Mach4Hobby".  For example, if you installed Mach4 in the default location of "C:Mach4Hobby", the log file will be:

       For plug-in versions 0.30.136 (released 2 Aug 2015) and newer:
       where "YOUR_PROFILE_NAME" is the name of the Mach4 profile that you are running.

       For plug-in versions 0.29.128 (16 Jul 2015) and older:

Send that file to us as an attachment to an email, sent to the email address given you by PMDX support.

[editied 22 Mar 2016 to update for new Mach4 build 2914 menu structure and add images of important steps]
[edited 15 Sep 2015 to show log file location for newer plug-in releases and added Mach4 "Package Profile" feature]
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 12:34:36 AM by Bob at PMDX »
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