Author Topic: Hardinge CHNC4 retrofit  (Read 7838 times)


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Hardinge CHNC4 retrofit
« on: December 02, 2015, 05:57:12 PM »
Hi, My name is Sean and I'm diving into a retrofit on my Hardinge CHNC 4. I decided to do this retrofit because the machine is such a solid base but it uses SO much power and I really don't use it to the fullest of its capabilities to justify the cost of high electric consumption. Plus, learning to retrofit a machine sounds fun. I know i will hear for the naysayers of why are you spending the time and money to convert a machine like that, but truth be told, its not about the money or the time. I view it as a learning process. SO over the next few days ill be posting pictures of what was done and how I'm doing it. Ill show pictures of the machine and the machining it took to get it up and running. With a little luck and patience, I hope I'm done by tomorrow night. Just kidding. but i am going to dive into this machine rather fast because it is wanted, not needed, for production of parts I have contracts to fulfill. Steve here has been a great influence on my decision to use PDMX. I think he has massive amounts of knowledge about building cnc platforms.

My initial thoughts were Phase 1

A high end computer running Vista and Mach3
126 breakout board
137 power prep board
107 spindle control board
179 pan ... Switches an Buttons.
2 gecko G320X drives...
I'm going to scavenge transformers from the machine cabinet if possible
Mitsubishi D700 5.5Kw 7.5Hp VFD
Baldor 5HP 3phase induction motor.
I'm going to try to slave the DC servo existing on the machine if they are salvageable. I know ill have to put encoders on them and remove the resolver and tachometers the currently have.

This should get me to a spindle that moves forward and backwards, and Z and X axis moving. Ill worry about the turret, coolant, parts catcher, parting tool in phase 2...