Author Topic: PMDX-424 AND MACH4 PROBING ISSUES "error while running LUA chunk mcTouchOff"  (Read 3959 times)


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I am having issues with setting up Probing in Mach4, I have a PMDX-424 and Mach4 with latest build 3804.
I think that I corrected the  "Can't transition from MDI running to stop" issue by adjusting the wx.milliSleep value to 70. However, now when I start the function, the machine completes a touch, retract, set tool1 offset and then a LUA error. (see below)
Any thoughts?

Mach4 History readout:

Z axis is performing a touch move.
Z axis is moving to a requested machine position.
Tool 1 Height Offset Set: -19.7255
Lua: Error while running chunk C:\Mach4Hobby/Modules/mcTouchOff.lua:1178: attempt to compare nil with number stack traceback: C:\Mach4Hobby/Modules/mcTouchOff.lua:1178: in function 'frameMainOnUpdateUI'
       C:\Mach4Hobby/Modules/mcTouchOff.lua:912: in function <C:\Mach4Hobby/Modules/mcTouchOff.lua:911>


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Not much help, but try the MachSupport forums.  It is their Lua code that is running.


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« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2018, 11:09:26 AM »
Just to update, I have installed the MACH4 3805 build, as requested on the MACH4 forum and have mostly eliminated the "transition from Running to stop" error. However, I am consistently getting the "Motion Underrun Error(7)" now. Below are the details:

Been away from my machine for a while. I've updated to the 3805 build, as well as the latest dev build, and now I'm getting an "Error(7) Motion Underrun." I have tried to reinstall profiles, adjust millisleep setting, manually perform G31 through the MDI, changed computers and adjusted buffer settings in the PMDX-424 performance config tab, all to no avail.
Currently I get the error consistently on the 3rd-4th probe. I am also using the modified M40 and M41 scripts for parameter logging.
This is getting very frustrating and I seem to have hit a dead end.
Has anyone had success in creating a probe level map file? I have also tried the auto generated probe file from "G-code ripper", "Autoleveller AE" and "Autoleveller AL." I have even manually typed the G31 commands in, through the MDI.
I am currently at a loss. Any help would be appreciated.


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i have the same problem , the problem i think when reacting to zo ,  it's react to( 0.7 or not zero  ) and stop
good luck