Author Topic: PMDX126 controlling SSR for Variable Speed Router not working  (Read 2652 times)

PMDX126 controlling SSR for Variable Speed Router not working
« on: January 27, 2019, 01:38:09 PM »
I have my 126 controlling the turning on and off the SSR using M03, M04 and M05 commands.

The SSR will turn on/off a 100 watt light, a 1/2 hp drill or a 3/4 hp motor controlled by Mach 3.

It will not turn on the Porta Cable 75182 3.5hp electronically controlled router.

This same router and SSR worked very well with a different manufacture Motherboard.

Any ideas on what the problem may be?

Best Regards,



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Re: PMDX126 controlling SSR for Variable Speed Router not working
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2019, 11:29:43 PM »
Need more info.  What brand/model of SSR?  Exactly how do you have the PMDX-126 wired to the SSR?  What else do you have connected to the PMDX-126?  Include anything that might be drawing power from the PMDX-126 (SmoothStepper, PMDX-107, proximity switches, etc.