Author Topic: PMDX-424 Not recognized in Mach 4  (Read 4169 times)


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PMDX-424 Not recognized in Mach 4
« on: September 24, 2020, 02:00:52 AM »
I'm trying to do as much self help as I can searching these forums, applying the knowledge as I learn. I'm running windows 10 pro, under Boot camp. I'm in the testing phase meaning my motors are not installed on the machine yet. Hooked them up to the PMDX-424 but Mach does not recognize it. I followed the instructions about downloading the installer for the 424 before connecting the USB. Once this was done, I connected the USB, waited a full minute, started Mach 4, but no 424 in Mach 4.

Searching the forums here, I found the removal and full installation tool for the driver. Did that, reinstalled the driver several times, still non PMDX-424 in Mach 4.

I have the Red, green and Amber LED's, just not Smart Bob. When I click on configuration, motion device, I only see the simulation device.

I appreciate the help and support as I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.

other observations: I can simulate machine movement with the arrow keys, just no motor movement or 424 in the configuration. I'm using DM542T motor drivers, I chose these over the Gecko's because I didn't want to invest in the  Gecko  drives until I knew I could get this figured out.

Thanks for your help!



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Re: PMDX-424 Not recognized in Mach 4
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2020, 09:23:25 AM »
I'm not a mac person, boot camp is the Apple dual-boot program so you are actually running Windows native on the mac, not under a virtual machine, right?

Are you using a profile that was copied from one of the PMDX profiles that got installed with the plugin?  Hint - if you are running PMDX-424_Sample (or whatever it is called), make a copy of that and use the copy.  Current PMDX plugin installers do not overwrite existing profiles, but future versions might and you don't want to loose your custom configuration changes.

Go to Configure->Control.  Then click on the "Plugins" tab.  Do you see the PMDX plugin listed there?  If so, click on the (I presume) red "X" next to it to change it to a green check mark to enable the plug-in.  Then just to be paranoid, exit Mach4 and re-start it.  You should now be able to see the PMDX plug-in under the Configure->Select Motion Device dialog.

If you do NOT see the PMDX plugin listed, look in the C:\Mach4Hobby\Plugins directory (presuming you installed Mach4 in the default directory) and see if the PMDXSmartBob files are there.

Steve Stallings

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Re: PMDX-424 Not recognized in Mach 4
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2020, 11:43:22 AM »
You might also try looking in Windows Device Manager to see if the if the STMicro comm port driver is actually installed in Ports Comm and LPT.

Did Windows respond with a sound or system tray popup acknowledging that a USB device was inserted? Note: PMDX-424 must have power in order for Windows to find it.
Steve Stallings


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Re: PMDX-424 Not recognized in Mach 4
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2020, 03:43:49 PM »
12 Strings,
 Yes, I am running windows 10 professional in native mode, I was able to see the PMDX-424 in Mach 4. I am able to see it in one profile that I saved after making copies of the sample files. I deleted all the sample files because they would not give me access to the PMDX-424. That said, I have one file called "Mach 4 router", that will allow me to and Mach 4 to view and configure the PMDX-424. I can see the DRO moving on screen when enabled, just no motor movement.

I pulled up device manager and the STMicro driver is installed on comm 3. Windows does respond with a sound each time I plug in the USB cable for the PMDX-424. I wait 30 sec- one minute before starting Mach 4 as the instructions ask. I looked at the USB drivers while I was there, nothing with yellow flags, etc,,, At this point, I am unsure if I need a particular USB driver for the PMDX? Something with the name STMicro driver as well? I am not seeing any USB driver that looks to be related specifically to the PMDX-424.


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Re: PMDX-424 Not recognized in Mach 4
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2020, 04:19:20 PM »
I also wanted to add; When the PMDX is powered up and plugged into the USB port, I have green lights on all four DM542T Drivers and the motor shafts are holding in place, just not moving.

Here's how I have them wired: All at 39 Vdc at the moment for testing.

 Motor 0:

PMDX 424, (Motor 0: J7) common wired to Pul+ and then pul+ on driver is jumped to Dir+ On Driver DM542T
                 Step is wired to Pul- on the driver

                 Dir is wired to Dir- on the driver

All remaining motors 1 thru 3 are wired the same as motor 0. En+ and En- are not connected (specs on the drivers state they are normally "on" without connection).

Steve Stallings

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Re: PMDX-424 Not recognized in Mach 4
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2020, 05:13:55 PM »
The default configuration of the PMDX-424 makes Common for the stepper drivers be ground, but the wiring you describe would require that Common be set to +5V for proper operation. You will find this in Config > Plugins > PMDX-SmartBOB and when the configuration panel opens, select the Motor Config tab and the setting will be in the top right corner of the panel.
Steve Stallings


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Re: PMDX-424 Not recognized in Mach 4
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2020, 05:23:30 PM »
Oops - Steve beat me to hitting the "reply" button :)  See below anyway...

The PMDX boards use the STMicro virtual COM port driver.  So you won't see anything "PMDX" in Device Manager.

So you CAN see the PMDX-424 from Mach?  You don't get any error dialogs when you start Mach4 about "did not find any device"?

Since you have the motor driver + terminals wired to the PMDX-424 COM terminal, you need to go to Configure->Plugins, then select the PMX plug-in.  Click on the "Motor Config" tab and then set the "Step/Dir Common Config" to "Step/Dir is +5V".  This is not the default configuration.  You also need to set the "STEP Polarity" and "DIR Polarity" for all the motors to "Active low" or "Reverse" - though the DIR polarity may change depending on how you actually have your motor windings wired and how the motors are connected to the machine.

When you jog an axis, do you see the "steps" LED on the PMDX-424 flicker?

Do you have the EStop terminal on the PMX-424 tied to the adjacent GND terminal?


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Re: PMDX-424 Not recognized in Mach 4
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2020, 07:16:44 PM »
This got my motors turning! I decided to reconfigure the wiring instead of the software after seeing the warning, but thank you both for the education on this! I've learned so much today!!!