Author Topic: Upgrading from Sound Logic PC-2 to PMDX-126 & PMDX-107  (Read 2727 times)


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Upgrading from Sound Logic PC-2 to PMDX-126 & PMDX-107
« on: August 19, 2020, 12:05:56 AM »
I have a Bob Campbell control box using the Cullins Sound Logic PC-2 board.  I have run into issues with both the control box and the computer that came with it (running 32-bit Win 7).  I would like to build a new control box based around the combination of a 126 BOB and 107 spindle speed controller and an ESS Smoothstepper.  The existing box has 2 360W power supplies (24V @ 15A) and 4 Gecko 251 Rev 9 drivers.

I can obviously re-use the Gecko drivers, but I am not sure how to determine the correct power supply.  I know that the Smooth Stepper requires a 5V power supply, and if I understand the PMDX-126 manual correctly, it gets fed 115v AC power directly from the outlet.  The Gecko's require DC power between 15 and 50 volts.

Should I just add a 5V supply for the smooth stepper and keep the two others that I have, or is there a different rated power supply I should be using?  I would like to learn as much as possible doing this so even just links to where I could read more on the topic would be appreciated.  Happy to provide any additional information that would be useful.

Thank you,


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Re: Upgrading from Sound Logic PC-2 to PMDX-126 & PMDX-107
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2020, 12:51:07 AM »
If your current power supplies work with your motors and Gecko drivers, then keep them.  Yes, the 126/107 takes 120/240VAC directly.

For the +5V for the SS, you might be able to tap off the PC's 5V supply if you want to make your own adapter cable, or just buy a wall wart style 5V supply.  Be aware that many of the 5V supplies with USB connectors that are made for the RaspberryPi and the like actually output a bit more than 5V (I've seen them spec'd at 5.25V, which is 5V + 5% but he actual voltage may depend on how much current the SS draws).  Check the SS documentation to see what the real max input voltage it.

As for links, there is a recent thread about someone else upgrading from the SoundLogic boards to a 126/107 combo.  Not sure how much of that applies since in the other thread we were trying to keep as much of the existing Mach3 configuration as possible.  And that setup uses 2 parallel ports.  Using a SS adds another layer of configuration complexity (disclaimer - I haven't worked with a SS for over 5 years, so things may have gotten easier).


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Re: Upgrading from Sound Logic PC-2 to PMDX-126 & PMDX-107
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2020, 10:58:02 AM »
Thank you, that's all very good information.

Yes I am looking to upgrade from Mach 3 to Mach 4 and end the reliance on parallel ports.  There is pretty good documentation from Warp 9 on the voltage requirements of the Ethernet Smooth Stepper, and one of their options is to use an old phone charger.  Just thought I would check all my bases before starting so I don't fry some expensive hardware in the process.
