Author Topic: Probe Merged Inputs mode does not work?  (Read 2323 times)


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Probe Merged Inputs mode does not work?
« on: March 20, 2021, 06:05:24 AM »
Hi there.
Does anyone has any experience setting up touch pad and digitising probe in “merged inputs mode”? I have been fighting this issue for few days now and just about to give up.

Right, I have a touch pad an digitising probe(no LED). Which both are basic mechanical two wire switches N/O an N/C respectively.
The touch pad performs perfectly once connected on its own to J12 pin “15” and adjoining GND, port 1 pin 15 set High Active

The nightmare begins when  I am connecting additional digitising probe as per PMDX-126 manual:
-DIP switch has been turned Open (jumbo mode with merged inputs in my case)
- touch pad relocated to J11 pin”H” and adjoining GND
- dig probe took place of touch pad at J12 pin “15” and J11 pin  “+5v”
-JP5 jumper is in Off position
-port 1 pin 15 set Low Active (showing redX)

Once this setup is made the Mach3 reads touch pad as already active (green lite for digitising probe is ON at diagnostics page). Mach 3 doesn’t respond to opening and closing both dig probe and touch pad. In two words that’s ALL DEAD. Would it be a grounding issue?

I understand that I have made some fundamental mistake here, but cannot work it out due to lack of deep knowledge in this subject.

 Any help will be greatly appreciated.