Author Topic: Wiring Price CNC Torch Height Controller to PMDX 424BOB  (Read 2315 times)


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Wiring Price CNC Torch Height Controller to PMDX 424BOB
« on: January 05, 2022, 07:56:15 AM »
Good Morning, A little bit of a wiring question as to hooking up the Price CNC THC to my 424BOB? The THC has an “anti dive” function to it which “receives an Anti Dive signal from Mach 3 via breakout board”. The voltage is between 2 - 50 vdc for this function to operate in. Yellow wire is “postive”, Black wire is “negative”. It states to use an “Output” terminal or spare “Axis” to wire this into? I am going to use “Output” terminals @ “J-12” wiring Yellow + to “pc+5 and Black - to terminal #1. Obviously if i wired the negative to ground this would continually get 5 volts, using pc+5 and terminal #1 this will switch ON or Off via Mach. Does this seam correct? I’m running Mach 4 Plasma with my PMDX424 just as an fyi not Mach 3, don’t think that is an issue.