I set Home. Jog out of the way, set my workpiece, press go to home. It starts travelling in the OPPOSITE direction and sets at a random spot on the table. if I press it again it moves in the same direction, but this time only 2-3 in on the x and y axis.
Would you please clarify a couple of things?
(1) When you say "it starts travelling in the OPPOSITE direction", I presume you mean that the machine moves opposite the expected homing direction, correct? For example, if you have the X axis set to home in the negative direction (DRO decrementing while searching for the HOME switch), this time the X axis moves in the position direction (DRO incrementing).
(2) When the machine stops after the homing move that went in the wrong direction, was there a message in the Mach4 status line at the bottom of the window? Also click on the "History" button and see if there are any messages.
(3) When you try to home the 3rd time and the machine only moves 2 or 3 inches, again, is there a message in the Mach4 status line or any messages in the "History" window?
(4) Is this repeatable? I.e. does the first "home" operation always work, and the other ones following the jog always NOT work?
Please re-test the previous plug-in version (and please tell us which version this was), send us your INI file and a description of how you have your limit/home switches wired as Steve requested in the previous message. If that doesn't lead us to the problem I will ask you re-run the test with logging enabled.