Author Topic: Machine Has its own mind made up  (Read 7358 times)


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Machine Has its own mind made up
« on: April 04, 2015, 10:06:48 PM »
I dont know what happened between the last update of Firmware and the latest version of mach, but my machine is driving me nuts!

I set Home. Jog out of the way, set my workpiece, press go to home. It starts travelling in the OPPOSITE direction and sets at a random spot on the table. if I press it again it moves in the same direction, but this time only 2-3 in on the x and y axis.

anybody please help!
My wife is starting to hate me for spending sooo much time on this, and I cannot have her hating me too.

This machine hating me is enough.... what is with mach and their motion issues!


Steve Stallings

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Re: Machine Has its own mind made up
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2015, 02:35:57 AM »
A lot of work with homing has been going on lately, so we may
have broken something.

In the interest of tracking down things like this we request:

1) The actual build number of Mach4 that you are running. Please
    do not refer to just "latest" as this is time variant and subject
    to mis-interpertation.

2) The actual version number of your PMDX-SmartBOB plug-in.

Both of the above can be easily seen on the first screen of the
PMDX-SmartBOB configuration dialog box.

3) A copy of your Machine.ini file for Mach4. It will be found in:


The above may vary if you did a custom install in a different directory.
If we later come to think that macros or other things are part of the
problem, we may ask for a ZIP file of your entire profile directory.

You may post things here as attachments, or send them privately
by email.

Our SmartBOB plug-ins are also capable of collecting debug logs. If
we think that will help we will make a specific request and include
instructions on what to exercise while logging is enabled.

4) A description of how your inputs are wired. This can be text or an
image of your wiring diagram. Photos of ink stained napkins are fine.
What we are looking for is the type of sensor, active state, and what
sensors may be combined into a single signal input, and how they
are combined, such as series or parallel.

Now, lastly, you can go back to a previous plug-in version by just
reinstalling that version. This may get your system running if needed
while we figure out what happened.

Steve Stallings

« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 02:39:55 AM by Steve Stallings »
Steve Stallings

Bob at PMDX

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Re: Machine Has its own mind made up
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2015, 12:25:45 AM »
I set Home. Jog out of the way, set my workpiece, press go to home. It starts travelling in the OPPOSITE direction and sets at a random spot on the table. if I press it again it moves in the same direction, but this time only 2-3 in on the x and y axis.

Would you please clarify a couple of things?

(1) When you say "it starts travelling in the OPPOSITE direction", I presume you mean that the machine moves opposite the expected homing direction, correct?  For example, if you have the X axis set to home in the negative direction (DRO decrementing while searching for the HOME switch), this time the X axis moves in the position direction (DRO incrementing).

(2) When the machine stops after the homing move that went in the wrong direction, was there a message in the Mach4 status line at the bottom of the window?  Also click on the "History" button and see if there are any messages.

(3) When you try to home the 3rd time and the machine only moves 2 or 3 inches, again, is there a message in the Mach4 status line or any messages in the "History" window?

(4) Is this repeatable?  I.e. does the first "home" operation always work, and the other ones following the jog always NOT work?

Please re-test the previous plug-in version (and please tell us which version this was), send us your INI file and a description of how you have your limit/home switches wired as Steve requested in the previous message.  If that doesn't lead us to the problem I will ask you re-run the test with logging enabled.
Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.


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Re: Machine Has its own mind made up
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2015, 10:50:42 AM »
Nothing was wrong on your end, I updated and used the old profile link and it was not the new PMDX shortcut from updating the driver...

sorry for the scare!
May my mistake be a lesson to all! another hint that you are using an older version after updating, the DRO's will give CRAZY readings. Say you are in INCHES the DRO's will say that. Your machine is at ZERO, you start to JOG and they show in the THOUSANDS, example: 0.0000 starting point, begin moving and it shows: 27684924.0873. and so on.

be warned.


Steve Stallings

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Re: Machine Has its own mind made up
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2015, 01:42:30 PM »
Thanks for the update.
Steve Stallings