Author Topic: PMDX-422 and PMDX-340  (Read 5265 times)


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PMDX-422 and PMDX-340
« on: June 18, 2015, 03:18:47 PM »
I am newish to the CNC world, please forgive my ignorance in advance. ;)
I started a few years ago when I purchased a Shapoko on he recommendation of a friend..  The hardware was fine, but it had no viable controller that worked in the way I hoped - it never got fully up and running. I took a break to research myself and learn about the different options out there, and being a DIY oriented fellow and a fierce patriot, I settled on PMDX and Mach4. :) I have so much to learn, it will be a wonderful challenge!
I purchased a PMDX-422 and PMDX-407 so that I could use USB from my PC and I loved the features of the 422/407 combination. I had intended on going with Gecko motor drivers, but ended-up purchasing your PMDX-340 instead - I wanted to keep my purchases focused on your company. I know now that the PMDX-410 would have been more than sufficient to drive the PMDX-340, the 340 by itself didn't have enough inputs for my liking and I want to use your Proximity sensor as well as 5 limit switches to govern the end-points on each axis.
Given the above, will I be able to use the 422 (with the 407 stacked on top like you have on the product page for the 407) to drive the PMDX-340 via the 422's parallel cable and still be able to use some of the input/outputs on the 422?  Or will I instead need to purchase a PMDX-410 to drive the PMDX-340 instead?
Any input is most appreciated!


Bob at PMDX

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Re: PMDX-422 and PMDX-340
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2015, 06:03:45 PM »
Thank you for your brand loyalty!

The inputs and outputs on the PMDX-422's screw terminals are simply copies of the signals that appear on the ribbon cable going from the PMDX-422/407 to the PMDX-340.  Once you connect the PMDX-340, you should no longer use the screw terminals on the PMDX-422 **EXCEPT** for the 3 additional input signals available on the PMDX-422 connector J10 (the SmartBOB plug-in calls these "PinA", "PinB" and "PinC").  So this gives you 4 inputs on the PMDX-340 plus 3 more inputs on the PMDX-422.

FYI - it is possible to connect more than one limit switch to a single input on the PMDX-340 (or the PMDX-422).  Mach4 (and our device) can handle this.  The only thing you loose is the ability to know specifically WHICH axis hit the limit.  This does get a little tricky if your limit switches are also your home switches.

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.


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Re: PMDX-422 and PMDX-340
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2015, 08:05:28 PM »
Excellent news - Thank you for the reply!

I got the PMDX-407 today and it mounts on the 422 nicely, this news makes my day. :)

I have printed out all of the PMDX and Mach4 documentation, time to become a monk and learn. ;)

Have a great weekend!!
