Author Topic: Mach 4 freezes at spindle control  (Read 3847 times)


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Mach 4 freezes at spindle control
« on: February 16, 2016, 07:53:36 AM »
Bob asked me to post this on the PMDX forum:

"Occasionally Mach 4 freezes when it encounters a spindle control. I can run the same G code file numerous times and Mach 4 will all of the sudden stop at a M03 command. The cycle start button will be grayed out. Sometimes I can disable Mach 4 and re-enable it to get the cycle start button to be slectable again. Sometimes this does not work so I have to reboot Mach 4 again. I am running build 2797 with SmartBob 33.159 plugin.

Anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions?"

More info - When the cycle start becomes selectable again most of the time it only proceeds to the next spindle command and then stops again with the cycle start grayed out.

Bob at PMDX

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Re: Mach 4 freezes at spindle control
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2016, 10:56:34 AM »
OK, the first step is to generate a plug-in debug log.  The general procedure for this is described under FAQ #4 here:

Enable the debug log, exit Mach4, the re-start Mach4 and run until you see the communications error.  Then disable the debug log and create a Mach4 profile package (step 8 in the FAQ procedure) and send that to me.  You can email it to me at bob at this domain, or you can upload it to this forum.

Also, in your posts on the MachSupport forums (,31495.msg222355.html#msg222355) it seems that you have *both* a laser and a spindle ("The laser and spindle are both on the same side of the button").  Is that the case?  If so:

- when you are running the laser is the spindle motor also running?
- How are you controlling the spindle motor on/off and speed?

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.


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Re: Mach 4 freezes at spindle control
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2016, 09:19:13 PM »
The spindle is a separate control from Mach. It is controlled by a toggle switch and a POT wired directly to the spindle VFD.

The laser PWM is attached to pin 16 of the PMDX 132. I enable 12V to the laser via a physical toggle switch and then run Mach 4 to give the PWM signal.

I will run the debug the next time I am at the machine. Hopefully we can catch the problem.