Author Topic: Solid State Relay Connections  (Read 6069 times)

Aqsa Ali

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Solid State Relay Connections
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:55:56 AM »
I have done with almost complete wiring. and now I am using 3 phase Solid State Relay to connect vfd with spindle. And I am having issue in understanding wiring of SSR. The picture below is the SSR that I am using. Its 4 output terminals  are 1L1 2T1 3L2 4T2. so how would I know that  which terminal is for what purpose.? Or which terminal should connect to which terminal of spindle.
I have single phase VFD and 3 Phase spindle.


Steve Stallings

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Re: Solid State Relay Connections
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2016, 07:58:44 AM »
I do not understand why you want to use this solid state relay. It is used to
provide the ability to reverse the spin direction of a motor or spindle. You
should not need this because the VFD itself will usually have this ability.

Also, this solid state relay is designed for operation with regular mains
AC in the frequency range of 47 to 63 Hertz. The usual purpose of a VFD
is to run a motor at frequencies outside this range, and the output of the
VFD is actually a PWM waveform that contains much higher switching
frequencies that will confuse this solid state relay.

I do not think it is possible to use this solid state relay with a VFD.

If you wanted to use this solid state relay without the VFD, then the
regular logic level signals from PMDX interface boards should be able to
control it. The A2/B2 terminal should connect to the ground of the same
terminal strip as you use for the control signal coming from the PMDX
board. The F/A1 terminal should connect to the control signal for forward.
The R/B1 terminal should connect to the control signal for reverse.

This solid state relay only needs to switch two of the three phases to
turn the motor on and off and to control its direction. The third phase,
in this case L3, is always connected to the motor.

The 1/L1 and 3/L2 terminals of the solid state relay connect to the
other two phases coming from the mains supply.

The 2/T1 and 4/T2 terminals of the solid state relay connect to the
other two phases of the motor.
Steve Stallings

Aqsa Ali

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Re: Solid State Relay Connections
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2016, 12:41:24 AM »
ohh.. Thank you soo much Steve. Actually I was thinking the same that if  I am using VFD then I don't have to use SSR.

Thanku :)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 12:50:59 AM by Aqsa Ali »