I am using an ESS with a PMDX-126 and PMDX-107.
I understand that because I am using an ESS with the PMDX-126 there is no need to use the charge pump (According to ESS Docs, the ESS will not send signals unless active. Correct?)
So, unless you advise otherwise, I will turn off the Charge Pump input into the PMDX-126 and re-assign that pin for something else.
However, as a safety, the PMDX-107 can have a charge pump input (controlled by CONFIG 3).
My question is this: Does the PMDX-126 generate the Charge Pump signal into the PMDX-107 or does it merely pass the charge pump signal from the PC through the PMDX-126 and into the PMDX-107?
I'm trying to determine if a) I need to bother with Charge Pump between ESS and PMX-126 and, b) the recommended safe way to use the charge pump with PMDX-107
I would appreciate any tips or suggestions. I could not find the answer in either the documentation or this forum (Checked both first)
Thank you
MY PMDX-107 Switches are as follows: Config 1, 2 = OFF, Config 3-5 =ON
Posted 10/10/2016