Author Topic: Stepper Motor Config  (Read 3972 times)


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Stepper Motor Config
« on: January 17, 2017, 02:20:11 PM »
I am having an issue getting my motors rev/in correct. I am using Windows 10 and all of the software is updated. My Stepper drivers are all working and rated for 4 amps and my steppers are NEMA 23 23HS41-1804S . I have calculated that with my lead screw being a 3/8-8 4 start and my driver set at 8 microsteps that 3200 should be correct for this motor. My Steppers are standard 1.8 degrees/step and 200 steps/Rev.
I have use the MDI in Mach4 to issue a series of G)X commands in both travel directions. And none of the moves equal the program distance .
Eg: MDI is G0X0.500 or G0-X0.500 the screen says X axis moved .500 inches but actual travel was .411" and if I set Steps/Rev to get distance closer then displayed distance is not even close to right. It is the same issue with all of the motors. I have also noticed that it does not do the same thing if I shut down Mach4 and restart the program. I have had "Y" axis work dead on but not "X" and then all of the sudden neither axis works right , shut down Mach4 and restart and "Y" starts working correctly. Can the issue be Windows 10 and the Mach4 software or Windows 10 and the 422 controller board driver?
Need a little help here
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 01:06:35 AM by mntlvr »

Steve Stallings

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Re: Stepper Motor Config
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2017, 08:45:43 PM »
This sounds like the motors not being able to follow the step pulses as fast
as they are being issued.
Try cutting both your max speed and max acceleration back by a factor of
at least 2 and see if you can get repeatable results.
Steve Stallings


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Re: Stepper Motor Config
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2017, 12:52:45 PM »
I have the motor issue resolved and the program running issue fixed . I would like to know how to use the homing function with mt 422 and my present overtravel switches as the Homing switches?
Also when I tell Mach4 to goto home in the Program Run Screen only "X" and "Y" return not "Z" is this normal?
If not what is the fix?
Thank You

Steve Stallings

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Re: Stepper Motor Config
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2017, 03:51:48 PM »
Some versions of the Mach4 screen sets do not home Z.

Please create a Packaged Profile using the HELP > SUPPORT >Create Packaged Profile

The dialog will allow you to save the resulting .M4prof file on your computer. Please
send that file to us as an email attachment and we will see if this is your problem.
Steve Stallings

Steve Stallings

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Re: Stepper Motor Config
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2017, 05:37:42 PM »
Hello Bob,

Thanks for the packaged profile.
It is common to use one of the limit switches for an axis to do double duty
as a home switch. Just put in the same Device and Input Name information
into both the limit (Motor 0 --) and the home (Motor 0 Home) lines in the Input
Signals dialog.
Your profile had Home In Place set for X, Y, and Z so when the homing action is
requested, the current position was declared as home. You should uncheck
that option for axes that you want to actually home.
You can control this on the screen here:
Configure > Mach > Homing/Softlimits
The description of how to set these is in the Home Order section on page 19 of
the Mach4 CNC Controller Config document found in C:Mach4HobbyDoc for
a standard install of the software. Axes with a home order value of 0 will not be
Steve Stallings