Author Topic: 407, got it working now it wont stop :)  (Read 3257 times)


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407, got it working now it wont stop :)
« on: April 23, 2017, 12:05:47 AM »
Whats confusing me is I'm sure this all worked properly last night but this morning the gremlins are in, anwat heres the issue I'm hoping someone can help with. BTY I seem to have bought a Haunyang VFD model that no one else seems to use, doop.

I have a 407 mounted on the 424 board and set up the wiring as per the photos;

Yellow wire: AREF to +10V of VFD
White wire: AOUT to AI2 of VFD
Green wire: AGND to GND of VFD, picking which ground to use on the VFD was a lottery as the manual is not clear on this

Brown wire: RUN to S1 on VFD, which has been set as the forward command
Green wire: COM to COM on VFD.

When I enable the spindle in MACH4 the RUN LED on the 407 & VFD come on and the spindle runs at the required speed. When I disable the spindle from Mach4, the RUN LED on the 407 turns off and the spindle stops, but the RUN light on the VFD stays on, which is the issue, and there appears to be no way of turning it off except turn the VFD off.

I am using the relay on the VFD to turn the liquid cooling on, so it turns on when the spindle is enabled, but wont turn off until the RUN on the VFD is disabled & obviously while the RUN on the VFD is on I cannot change any settings.

Can anyone help with this problem?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2017, 12:17:09 AM by dq828 »


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Re: 407, got it working now it wont stop :) SOLVED
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2017, 02:23:57 AM »
After many hours of banging my head against the wall, I decided to reset the VFD and start over and I'm glad to say everything is working again, at least for the moment :)