Author Topic: Mach4 touch function with 424 board  (Read 2921 times)


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Mach4 touch function with 424 board
« on: May 18, 2017, 09:52:33 PM »
I tried this today, but the touch dialog box shows probe input g31 inactive.  I have the proble mapped to input3 and mach4 is seeing the state changes according to the mach4 input status screen.  Not sure what I am doing wrong.  I enable the system, press touch button, enter the required parameters, but none of the buttons do anything.  Need suggestions. 

Steve Stallings

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Re: Mach4 touch function with 424 board
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2017, 08:36:21 PM »
When you say that Mach4 is seeing the changes, are you looking at the
signal called PROBE on the Machine Diagnostics page? Probe 1, Probe 2,
and Probe 3 are not currently supported in the SmartBOB plugins.

If you are seeing the Probe indicator light up when you activate the
probe or touch the touch plate, then the SmartBOB is working and
Mach4 is configured to look at it correctly.

Is the window that you are using for touch labeled "TouchOff UI" in the
bar at the top of the window? If not please indicate what touch facility
you are using, and what build of Mach4.

Is Mach4 in the enabled state, i.e. the button in the lower left is Red
and says Disable?

Is the "Code Probe Options" in the "TouchOff UI" window set to G31?

When you trigger the probe or touch the plate, the box in the lower
center of the "TouchOff UI" window should light up and say "Selected
Probe Is Currently Active".  If this does not happen, something must
be wrong with the Mach4 install or configuration and you should
consult the Mach Support forum for assistance.

Steve Stallings