Hi guys,
I am in the process of upgrading my mill to both the PMDX 126RevC, and changing to digital AM882 leadshine drivers. I am wanting to integrate the 882 ability for Alarm, to halt the machine and software.
From what I understand in the 126 manual, can I run from the FAULT, to ALM+ driver1, out ALM-, into ALM+ driver 2 , out ALM- etc, out the last driver ALM- into J13 GND pin, and set all the Drivers to fault active low condition ( so they are in series, with active low - to match the 126 fault active low - fault pin.
Question 1 - where is the fault signal coming from ( does the Fault PIN - have it's own + signal ) that is grounded by ALM+/_ switch if a drive detects fault?
I noticed in the AM882 schematic which only shows a single drive, in Common Anode they have linked the Pul+ to VCC, Dir +, ENA + and ALM + all in parallel linked together. Or in the other schematic they have Pul + with ALM +, and all the PUL/DIR/ALM- linked to go to GND together. I get the impression if I want to hook up 5 drives to signal a fault condition, this is not going to work.
So is it possible to just hook up the ALM + / _ in series, coming from the fault pin, and into a GND pin, or do I need to attatch the first drive Pul + signal before the ALM+ termninal?
Should I ground the PUL- and DIR- on the J13 GND as in the AM882 guide along with the ALRM-, or run these seperately to their respective J3/J4 plug GND ( Ie keep the ALM -going to GND in the J13 area, and the Pul/Dir GND in their respective plug areas ( not a common GND? ) If the GND is common, is there a problem with me daisy chaining all the PUL-/DIR- together between 5 different drives, running to the same J13 GND? )
Or should I be using ther ERR+ and ERR- on J13 somehow?
So confused!