Author Topic: machine does not stop when hitting limit switch  (Read 3336 times)


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machine does not stop when hitting limit switch
« on: September 01, 2018, 10:13:06 PM »
I have PMDX-424 with PMDX-407 
 it's moves good yet I have problem with the limits ,when I home any axis the system hits the switch the switch lights but the machine keeps on going ignoring the switch for a bit and break the limit and back.
i don't know why it won't stop ? i changed the limit because it breaks the first one

i want it to stop immediately and move a little bit form the switch



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Re: machine does not stop when hitting limit switch
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2018, 11:08:55 PM »
Need more information.  Are your limit switches also your home switches?  It sound like that it your configuration.

If your limit switches are also your home switches, how far does the machine move after it first hits the limit switch?

The PMDX homing sequence intentionally moves a small amount past where the "home" switch first triggers.  According to the SmartBOB release notes (look in your "Mach4Hobby\Plugins\PMDX-SmartBOB-USB" directory) it moves 0.50" past where the home switch triggers.  The entire homing sequence (and restrictions) are described in the "Homing Features and Restrictions" section of the release notes.  Check it out.  This additional motion is to ensure that when the machine stops the home switch is still pressed.  That allows a more precise "back off" movement.  If the machine were to stop as soon as it hit the home switch, there is a chance that the mechanical slop in the drive train and/or home switch (or positional uncertainty if the switch is a prox sensor or optical sensor) might cause the switch to "un press".

If your limit switches are positioned such that the machine will damage itself if it moves ANY distance past where the switch triggers, don't do that!  Depending on the speed of the machine when it hits the limit, it may not be possible to stop it immediately.  The SmartBOB can stop sending step pulses, but the mechanical momentum may try to continue motion.  Heavy machine at high speed = ain't gonna stop immediately,.


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Re: machine does not stop when hitting limit switch
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2018, 12:57:31 AM »
Need more information.  Are your limit switches also your home switches?  It sound like that it your configuration.
yes the limit switches also my home
If your limit switches are also your home switches, how far does the machine move after it first hits the limit switch?
about 1 cm
The PMDX homing sequence intentionally moves a small amount past where the "home" switch first triggers.  According to the SmartBOB release notes (look in your "Mach4Hobby\Plugins\PMDX-SmartBOB-USB" directory) it moves 0.50" past where the home switch triggers.  The entire homing sequence (and restrictions) are described in the "Homing Features and Restrictions" section of the release notes.  Check it out.  This additional motion is to ensure that when the machine stops the home switch is still pressed.  That allows a more precise "back off" movement.  If the machine were to stop as soon as it hit the home switch, there is a chance that the mechanical slop in the drive train and/or home switch (or positional uncertainty if the switch is a prox sensor or optical sensor) might cause the switch to "un press".
can I set ( the 0.5) to zero when it triggers ?
If your limit switches are positioned such that the machine will damage itself if it moves ANY distance past where the switch triggers, don't do that!  Depending on the speed of the machine when it hits the limit, it may not be possible to stop it immediately.  The SmartBOB can stop sending step pulses, but the mechanical momentum may try to continue motion.  Heavy machine at high speed = ain't gonna stop immediately,.

i'll change the speed and rewire it

thanks a lot


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Re: machine does not stop when hitting limit switch
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2018, 12:08:51 AM »
Rats, I can't edit my original post.  The SmartBOB release notes say it moves 0.050" (50/1000ths) past the home switch, not 0.50" (50/100ths) that I originally typed.  So the 1 cm you mention does sound like too far.

I don't see any config dialog to set the homing parameters for the SmartBOB.


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Re: machine does not stop when hitting limit switch
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2018, 03:55:05 AM »
I'm sorry ,I'm stupid 
I was calculating the steps per unit as cm not mm that's why its hit the limit and run over it

all good now thanks for help