Author Topic: PMDX-126 - ESS - VFD Mach 4 Spindle Setup  (Read 3031 times)


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PMDX-126 - ESS - VFD Mach 4 Spindle Setup
« on: June 13, 2021, 06:11:27 PM »
Hey All,
I am moving from Mach3 to March4 and swapping out the stock controller for a PMDX-126 and ESS. My limit switches and motors are working, now it is time for the spindle. I would like to use the onboard relays to denote direction. I believe my wiring is correct, but I need some help with the configuration. Looking at the setup below, can you please tell me how to configure the ESS and Mach4?

JP1 - Multimode
K1 Com -> VFD - DCM
K1 N/O -> VFD - M1

JP2 - Multimode
K2 Com -> VFD - DCM
K2 N/O -> VFD - M2

J6 - 1 = Port 1 Pin 1 -> VFD - ACM
J6 - 16 = Port 1 Pin 16 -> VFD - AVI


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Re: PMDX-126 - ESS - VFD Mach 4 Spindle Setup
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2021, 07:05:24 PM »
Forgot to mention the use for the wiring...

JP1 - Multimode
K1 Com --> VFD - DCM -- Input signal
K1 N/O --> VFD - M1 --> ESS - Clockwise

JP2 - Multimode
K2 Com --> VFD - DCM --> Input Signal
K2 N/O --> VFD - M2 --> ESS Counter Clockwise

J6 - 1 = Port 1 Pin 1 --> VFD - ACM --> ESS - Spindle COM
J6 - 16 = Port 1 Pin 16 --> VFD - AVI --> ESS - Spindle PWM


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Re: PMDX-126 - ESS - VFD Mach 4 Spindle Setup
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2022, 09:56:25 PM »
What was the solution?