Author Topic: Help configuring CNC/Mach3 with 2 pmdx-122 boards  (Read 1674 times)


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Help configuring CNC/Mach3 with 2 pmdx-122 boards
« on: April 02, 2023, 07:08:34 PM »
I recently purchased a used CNC.  It is a 3-axis machine with an auto tool changer and a spindle controlled with a Delts VFD-M. It was built using dual PMDX-122 boards.  I am attempting to use Mach3 to control the CNC and am confused about the port and pin configurations with 2 boards.  I have attached 2 pictures the first IMG-5147 shows the 2 PMDX-122's connected via a 3rd board which I have not yet identified.  The second picture shows the second PMDX-122 board.

From what I have been able to determine, the top board in the first picture is used to connect to the VFD-M and the bottom board is controlling the XYZ axis and home/limit switches and probably the touch plate (haven't tested this yet). 

I have been able to config Mach3 to controll motion for XYZ and to config limits and homing.  That was pretty straight forward everything on Port1 and common pin out (picture attached).

What confuses me is how to address the "VFD" board in the Ports and Pins.  Do I enable port2 on the general config and then assign pins?  I need to figure out control for the pneumatics for the autotool changer, a pneumatic to raise and lower the dust boot etc. 

The actual VFD appears to be controlled via a usb/RS485 cable connected to the VFD.  That is a whole other problem I will try to figure out next.

Thank you in advance for any direction you can provide me.

p.s., this is probably obvious, but I am fairly new to all of this....