Author Topic: No synchronized position from motion planner  (Read 5207 times)


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No synchronized position from motion planner
« on: February 02, 2020, 01:30:13 PM »
I'm receiving an error when attempting probing calibration -  "PMDX: No synchronized position from motion planner"

Mach - build 4300
PMDX - 0.53.263
PMDX 422
Windows 10, 64-bit, i5-8400

The error asserts following the first probing hit during the offset calibration. I have tried a number of probing setting combinations to include overshoot, tolerance, probing speeds, etc. I have been using the 422 for a number of years and this is my first attempt at probing. I updated the mach build and PMDX firmware recently in an attempt to remove the probing error.

Thanks, Jim


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Re: No synchronized position from motion planner
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2020, 02:29:17 PM »
hello, did you ever figure out what was causing this? i am having the exact problem and using the same hardware. any advice would be much appreicated.
thank you,

Steve Stallings

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Re: No synchronized position from motion planner
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2020, 10:58:19 PM »

There have been multiple reports of probing bugs that PMDX has not been unable to replicate and we would like to have assistance collecting more detailed data on this problem.

If you are able to help, please send us Debug logs generated while attempting to probe. It is best minimize the size of the log file by not running a lot of G-code other than the probe cycle.

General instructions for using debug logs are on this FAQ page:
How to capture a debug log file and send to PMDX?

The settings for debug logs are found in the SmartBOB plugin screen in Mach4 here:

Configure > Plugins > PMDX SmartBOB  ... then select the Debug tab

Mach4 cannot not be in the enabled state when accessing the Configure functions.

The SPECIFIC settings that should be used for this probing test log are:

Debug mode - select only "Debug"

Debug device - select only "File"

Enable additional debug logs - select these 3
                               "Motion log"
                               "Position log"
                               "Packet log"

Message logging options - none selected

Then exit the setup screen by clicking on OK and the Plugin configuration screen will close.

After changing the log settings, exit Mach4, then restart it.  Do as little as necessary to prepare for the probe motion. Please keep notes and send us a description of everything you did. It makes it easier to wade through the log files.

Then execute the probe cycle. Repeat the probe cycle until you get a failure. Describe what happened, including the error messages that you get, and tell us how many times you did the probe cycle before it failed. 

Then go back into the plugin configuration Debug tab and "Restore Default Settings" (unless you plan to run several debug attempts) and then shut down Mach4 so it will close the debug log file.

If you have Mach4 installed in the default location, you will find the log files at:

C:/Mach4Hobby/Profiles/<your profile name here>/PMDX-SmartBOB-USB.log
C:/Mach4Hobby/Profiles/<your profile name here>/PMDXVersionInfo.log
C:/Mach4Hobby/Profiles/<your profile name here>/PMDXMotionDebug.log
C:/Mach4Hobby/Profiles/<your profile name here>/PMDXPositionDebug.log
C:/Mach4Hobby/Profiles/<your profile name here>/PMDXPacketDebug.log

If the resulting files are more than a few of megabytes, we may need to help you generate smaller files.

We would also like to have a "Packaged Profile" from the Mach4 profile that was used to generate the log files.

Lastly, tell us what version of Windows you are running and describe your computer briefly.

Do not post the files in the forum.

Please send the files as email attachments to our support email address found here:

Sorry for the extra step, but we prefer to not post email addresses in forum messages where they may be harvested by spammers.

Thank you for your assistance.

Steve Stallings
Steve Stallings


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Re: No synchronized position from motion planner
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2020, 09:43:56 PM »
ill try to get all of the files emailed out this weekend. i ordered an uc100 to see if that works so ill be switching computers back out later on in the week (currently running linux desktop). i believe i already sent you guys the debug files also. do you have a return policy because i have to have a probe and this absolutely does not work. do you guys have any idea when an update will be available? i purchased the 411 on june 8th and this is the first response i have gotten seeing as i ran into the issue on day 2 of ownership.


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Re: No synchronized position from motion planner
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2020, 09:51:18 PM »
me again..... uc100 works great right out of the box.... im not even going to bother trying to get debug files. what are my chances of returning this thing? or should i burn it on youtube?  hope to hear from you guys this month.


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Re: No synchronized position from motion planner
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2021, 05:40:08 PM »
i get it right out the gate upon start up, as well as probing but that might be because of the enable if probe not found errors

i have to press enable twice.

2021-01-08 14:31:23.799 - Logging Enabled.
2021-01-08 14:31:26.694 - API: mcCntlReset(inst = 0) (Mach4GUI LUA script)
2021-01-08 14:31:26.799 - SoftSync()! Clearing planner. controller.cpp:2228
2021-01-08 14:31:26.803 - API: mcSpindleSetDirection(inst = 0, dir = 0) (Mach4GUI LUA script)
2021-01-08 14:31:27.314 - API: mcCntlCycleStop(inst = 0) (Mach4GUI LUA script)
2021-01-08 14:31:27.315 - API: mcSpindleSetDirection(inst = 0, dir = 0) (Mach4GUI LUA script)
2021-01-08 14:31:28.030 - API: mcCntlEnable(inst = 0, FALSE) (Mach4GUI Button)
2021-01-08 14:31:28.033 - Signal id 1018, (Enable #0), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:31:28.033 - Signal id 1019, (Enable #1), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:31:28.033 - Signal id 1020, (Enable #2), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:31:28.033 - Signal id 1021, (Enable #3), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:31:28.033 - Signal id 1120, (Machine Enabled), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:31:28.035 - API: mcMotionClearPlanner(inst = 0) (PMDX-SmartBOB-USB)
2021-01-08 14:31:28.054 - API: mcMotionSync(inst = 0) (PMDX-SmartBOB-USB)
2021-01-08 14:31:28.054 - SyncPosition()! Clearing planner.
2021-01-08 14:31:30.305 - API: mcCntlEnable(inst = 0, TRUE) (Mach4GUI Button)
2021-01-08 14:31:30.306 - Signal id 1018, (Enable #0), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:31:30.307 - Signal id 1019, (Enable #1), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:31:30.307 - Signal id 1020, (Enable #2), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:31:30.308 - Signal id 1021, (Enable #3), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:31:30.308 - Signal id 1120, (Machine Enabled), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:31:30.313 - SoftSync()! Clearing planner. controller.cpp:5107
2021-01-08 14:31:30.317 - API: mcCntlEnable(inst = 0, FALSE) (PMDX-SmartBOB-USB)
2021-01-08 14:31:30.318 - Signal id 1018, (Enable #0), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:31:30.319 - Signal id 1019, (Enable #1), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:31:30.319 - Signal id 1020, (Enable #2), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:31:30.320 - Signal id 1021, (Enable #3), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:31:30.320 - Signal id 1120, (Machine Enabled), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:31:34.091 - API: mcCntlEnable(inst = 0, TRUE) (Mach4GUI Button)
2021-01-08 14:31:34.093 - Signal id 1018, (Enable #0), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:31:34.093 - Signal id 1019, (Enable #1), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:31:34.093 - Signal id 1020, (Enable #2), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:31:34.094 - Signal id 1021, (Enable #3), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:31:34.094 - Signal id 1120, (Machine Enabled), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:31:34.098 - SoftSync()! Clearing planner. controller.cpp:5107
2021-01-08 14:32:07.612 - API: mcCntlEnable(inst = 0, FALSE) (Mach4GUI Button)
2021-01-08 14:32:07.614 - Signal id 1018, (Enable #0), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:32:07.614 - Signal id 1019, (Enable #1), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:32:07.615 - Signal id 1020, (Enable #2), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:32:07.615 - Signal id 1021, (Enable #3), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:32:07.616 - Signal id 1120, (Machine Enabled), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:32:07.619 - API: mcMotionClearPlanner(inst = 0) (PMDX-SmartBOB-USB)
2021-01-08 14:32:07.639 - API: mcMotionSync(inst = 0) (PMDX-SmartBOB-USB)
2021-01-08 14:32:07.639 - SyncPosition()! Clearing planner.
2021-01-08 14:32:12.101 - API: mcCntlEnable(inst = 0, TRUE) (Mach4GUI Button)
2021-01-08 14:32:12.102 - Signal id 1018, (Enable #0), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:32:12.103 - Signal id 1019, (Enable #1), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:32:12.103 - Signal id 1020, (Enable #2), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:32:12.103 - Signal id 1021, (Enable #3), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:32:12.104 - Signal id 1120, (Machine Enabled), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:32:12.108 - SoftSync()! Clearing planner. controller.cpp:5107
2021-01-08 14:32:12.120 - API: mcCntlEnable(inst = 0, FALSE) (PMDX-SmartBOB-USB)
2021-01-08 14:32:12.121 - Signal id 1018, (Enable #0), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:32:12.122 - Signal id 1019, (Enable #1), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:32:12.122 - Signal id 1020, (Enable #2), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:32:12.123 - Signal id 1021, (Enable #3), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:32:12.123 - Signal id 1120, (Machine Enabled), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2021-01-08 14:32:16.299 - API: mcCntlEnable(inst = 0, TRUE) (Mach4GUI Button)
2021-01-08 14:32:16.300 - Signal id 1018, (Enable #0), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:32:16.300 - Signal id 1019, (Enable #1), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:32:16.301 - Signal id 1020, (Enable #2), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:32:16.301 - Signal id 1021, (Enable #3), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:32:16.302 - Signal id 1120, (Machine Enabled), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2021-01-08 14:32:16.306 - SoftSync()! Clearing planner. controller.cpp:5107


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Re: No synchronized position from motion planner
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2021, 11:03:48 AM »
See Steve's post above, maybe if you can provide the PMDX log files that the previous poster did not, it might help them find the problem.


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Re: No synchronized position from motion planner
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2023, 06:40:43 PM »

I just got this error at start up.  I was able to get rid of it by disabling and then enabling the PMDX Plugin.

In Mach4 under Configure select Control.  Select the Plugins tab, to disable the PMDX by clicking on the green arrow.
A message will appear that a restart is required, click on ok. Do not restart.  Click on the red x to enable the PMDX.
Press ok at the bottom of the window.

Hopefully this works for someone else.