Author Topic: Driver disabling 422  (Read 7912 times)


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Driver disabling 422
« on: December 20, 2015, 12:39:44 AM »
32 bit Mach 4 ver 2.2803
Smartbob 33.159
64 bit win 8
422 board
Leadshine esdh1208 drivers
Set up in sinking configuration where +5 is provided to driver from 422


When I plug the usb I have power and lights are normal. Red is steady and green blinks slowly. Both power and enable led are lit up when enabled on screen. Jumper is removed, but main estop still doesn't do anything.

When I power on the drivers, the enabled light goes out. This happens when I have the ground connected on the limit switches " pins 11 12 13 "  which they are open anyway! So it shouldn't matter. However

If I leave the switches ungrounded, the enable light does stay on when drivers are powered up. Regardless, there is no movement when jogged. The dro does display movement.

As for the wiring, it is simple and straight forward. The enable function on the drivers is left unconnected, which is reccomended. There is an alarm + - configuration left unwired as well, is this nesesary? If so, how should it be configured on the 422?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bob at PMDX

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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2015, 09:26:49 PM »
Jumper is removed, but main estop still doesn't do anything.
I'm not sure what you mean here.  What is "main estop"?  Do you mean that when you remove the factory installed jumper on the EStop input on the PMDX-422 that Mach4 remains enabled?  If that is what you mean, does the EStop indicator on the "Machine Diagnostics" tab show the EStop input changing state when you install/remove the EStop jumper?  If not, check your configuration (Configure -> Mach, then click on Output Signals tab and scroll down to the bottom and find "E-Stop" and make sure it is enabled (green check mark), and assigned to SmartBOBUSB and Pin10, with a red "X" in the "active low" column).

When I power on the drivers, the enabled light goes out. This happens when I have the ground connected on the limit switches " pins 11 12 13 "  which they are open anyway! So it shouldn't matter. However

If I leave the switches ungrounded, the enable light does stay on when drivers are powered up. Regardless, there is no movement when jogged. The dro does display movement.
Can you draw a wiring diagram and post it back here.  That will save us a lot of questions.  Include every wire you have connected to the PMDX-422 and exactly which terminal it is connected to.  Are you limit switches mechanical switches?

As for the motors not moving -  if the DROs are changing it means that Mach4 is talking to the PMDX-422 and that the PMDX-422 is generating step pulses.  The most common cause of motors not moving is having the step and direction signals swapped.  Go to the Mach4 "Configure" menu and select "Plugins..", then click on the "Configure" button on the PMDXSmartBOB line.  When the configuration dialog is displayed, click on the "Motor Config" tab verify whether the step signal pin-out (on pins 2,4,6,8 or pins 3,5,7,9) matches your actual wiring.

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.


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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2015, 12:23:28 AM »
Ah, there it is. Couldn't figure out where the configuration munus were. I found it when I scrolled over in the plug in window. Im used to doing all that in the mach program. It will be a couple days before I can mess with it again, but will surely include everything you asked for if I am still having issues. Thanks a bunch.


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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2016, 02:28:12 PM »
I fixed some of the problems. The error code for over voltage was number 2, whereas I was getting error number 20, which is aan encoder problem. The machine is running and calibrated now. However, I have still not correctly set up my limit or home switches. After reading some other posts, it seems you are supposed to be able to configure things while the pmdx is plugged in. I cannot do any configuring with the 422 plugged in. Both mach and plugging are unselectable while plugged in. Currently if I have any of my limit switches wired, mach won't detect the 422 at all. The e stop does toggle in the live diagnostics screen, but it doesn't do anything. Any ideas on the issue would be aprreciated. Thanks

Bob at PMDX

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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2016, 03:26:02 PM »
However, I have still not correctly set up my limit or home switches. After reading some other posts, it seems you are supposed to be able to configure things while the pmdx is plugged in. I cannot do any configuring with the 422 plugged in. Both mach and plugging are unselectable while plugged in.
In order to access the configuration dialogs, Mach4 needs to be "disabled".  That means that the button in the lower left corner of the Mach4 screen should be flashing green and say "Enable".  *THEN* you should be able to go to the Mach4 "Configure" menu and select either the "Mach..." or "Plugins..." menus.

Currently if I have any of my limit switches wired, mach won't detect the 422 at all.
This sounds like the limit switches are somehow shorting the +5V power on the PMDX-422.  Please create a wiring diagram that shows EXACTLY how you are connecting the limit switches (and EStop) to the PMDX-422.  And if your limit switches are optical interruptors or proximity sensors (or anything except mechanical switches) please include the manufacture and model number.  You can post the picture here.

The e stop does toggle in the live diagnostics screen, but it doesn't do anything. Any ideas on the issue would be aprreciated. Thanks
Go to the Mach4 "Help" menu and select "Support" and then "Create profile package".  Send the resulting profile package to me either by posting here.  Note that to post it here you will have to either change the file extension from ".m4prof" to something like ".zip", or you will need to put the profile into a ZIP file.  If you want to email it to me, send it to bob at this domain.

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.


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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2016, 10:35:49 PM »

I have done a bit more work to the machine and seem to have covered some ground and, well, lost some too. after reading the limit switch recommendations post, I wired all my switches accordingly. The original factory wiring was absurd, so I rewired all the limit switches, made sure they were all normally open, and combined their inputs on pin 11. They all share ground. The home switches are individually on pins 12, 13 15, also sharing ground with the limit switches.

in mach4, they are designated as smartbob pinnouts, and assigned the proper numbers in the dropdown menu. However, the estop no longer toggles in the diagnostics window, and pins 11-15 as well as A B C show active, which they are not.

Jogging the machine is now intermittent. some times it will jog for a few seconds, most of the time it wont at all. I believe there is a communication problem. There is no dro movement.  previously I had great communication and movement.   Also, how does mach know which inputs are my home swithches? the limits and homes are different switches, but I don't know how to assign inputs to home. The home settings are not input assignable in the configuration menu.

I will send you my profile by email.

thanks for the incredibly fast responses by the way! kind of unexpected

Bob at PMDX

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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2016, 02:43:21 AM »
thanks for the incredibly fast responses by the way! kind of unexpected
That is what sets PMDX apart from most of our competitors - we actually provide support :-)

Now settle in with a beverage of your choice.  This will be a bit long.

Jogging the machine is now intermittent. some times it will jog for a few seconds, most of the time it wont at all. I believe there is a communication problem. There is no dro movement.  previously I had great communication and movement.   
The profile package that you sent to me shows that you have every available plug-in enabled.  Disable the simulator plug-in.  You should never have the Simulator plug-in enabled at the same time you have any other motion device, such as the SmartBOB, enabled.  The simulator plug-in doesn't play well with other plug-ins when it isn't selected as *the* motion controller.  That could be the cause of some of your motion problems.  In general, disable any plug-in that you are not using.

Now optionally disable the shuttle pro plug-in unless you actually HAVE a ShuttlePro.   Also, optionally, disable the MODBUS plug-in unless you will be using it.  These two are less critical than  disabling the simulator.  They probably don't cause any issues if they are enabled but have no device to talk to.

I have done a bit more work to the machine and seem to have covered some ground and, well, lost some too. after reading the limit switch recommendations post, I wired all my switches accordingly. The original factory wiring was absurd, so I rewired all the limit switches, made sure they were all normally open, and combined their inputs on pin 11. They all share ground. The home switches are individually on pins 12, 13 15, also sharing ground with the limit switches.
OK so far.  For normally open switches they should be wired in parallel so that any one switch closing will cause the SmartBOB input to go to ground.  And you should configure the Mach4 limit inputs as active low (see description down below).  This configuration will work, but has a drawback that is a wire breaks to one of the switches, the system will never know and that limit switch will be ignored.

An alternate way to wire a group of limit switches to a single input is to use them as normally closed switches (if you can) and wire them all in series.  When any one switch opens, the SmartBOB input goes to +5V.  You configure the Mach4 limit inputs as active high.  This configuration has the advantage that if any wire in the chain of switches breaks or comes loose, Mach4 will see the limit active and halt the machine.

in mach4, they are designated as smartbob pinnouts, and assigned the proper numbers in the dropdown menu. However, the estop no longer toggles in the diagnostics window, and pins 11-15 as well as A B C show active, which they are not.
Where are you seeing pins 11-15 and A, B, C showing as active?  The profile you sent me does not map the A/B/C inputs to any Mach4 signal.  So I'm guessing that you see this on the SmartBOB Real-Time I/O Status window.  If that is the case, then those will show as green (+5V) unless something is actively pulling them to ground, like one of your limit or home switches.

Also, how does mach know which inputs are my home swithches? the limits and homes are different switches, but I don't know how to assign inputs to home. The home settings are not input assignable in the configuration menu.
You have the 5 SmartBOB inputs (Pin10, Pin11, Pin12, Pin13 and Pin15) assigned to Mach4 signals "Input #0" through "Input #4".  These Mach4 signal names do nothing except light up an LED on the Mach4 "Machine Diagnostics" tab unless you have a Lua script that reads them and does something.  For E-Stop, limit and homing switch functions you should map the SmartBOB signals as follows:

Go to the Mach4 "Configure" menu and select "Mach..".  Then click on the "Input Signals" tab.  Here are the input signal mappings you should have.  Note that you will have to scroll down a ways to find these signal names.

Mach4 Name
Motor0 Home   SmartBOBUSB   Pin12   ActiveLow*   (this is the X axis home)
Motor1 Home   SmartBOBUSB   Pin13   ActiveLow*   (this is the Y axis home)
Motor2 Home   SmartBOBUSB   Pin15   ActiveLow*   (this is the Z axis home)

Motor0 ++   SmartBOBUSB   Pin11   ActiveLoW*   (this is the X axis positive limit)
Motor0 --   SmartBOBUSB   Pin11   ActiveLoW*   (this is the X axis negative limit)
Motor1 ++   SmartBOBUSB   Pin11   ActiveLoW*   (this is the Y axis positive limit)
Motor1 --   SmartBOBUSB   Pin11   ActiveLoW*   (this is the Y axis negative limit)
Motor2 ++   SmartBOBUSB   Pin11   ActiveLoW*   (this is the Z axis positive limit)
Motor2 --   SmartBOBUSB   Pin11   ActiveLoW*   (this is the Z axis negative limit)

E-Stop      SmartBOBUSB   Pin10   ActiveHigh*

ActiveLow* means put a green check mark in the "Active Low" column.
ActiveHigh* means put a red "X" in the "Active Low" column.

NOTE: If you change your limit switch wiring to use normally closed switches wired in series, then change all of the above limit switch configuration to "ActiveHigh".

Now, one more topic: Homing.

In the "Homing/SoftLimits" tab you have the X, Y and Z axis set for "Home In Place".  That means that when you click on the "Reference All Axis" button, Mach4 will take the current position of the motors and takes that to be the home position (i.e. it doesn't move the motor or pay attention to he home switch input).  It then changes the position for that axis to be the value in the "Home Offset" column.  For example, if you have "Home In Place" enabled and the "Home Offset" is 1.0000, and the current motor position is 2.000, then clicking on the "Ref All Home" will only change the current position for that axis to 2.000.  It will not move the motor.  Since you have home switches in your system, un-check "Home In Place" for all axis.

Then go to the "Machine Diagnostics" tab and home each axis one at a time by clicking on the "RefX", "RefY" and then "RefZ" buttons.  If the axis initial motion is AWAY from the home switch, then change the "Home Dir" entry for that axis.  For example, change from "Pos" to "Neg.

These changes should get you up and running.  If not, let us know what it is or isn't doing.  Hint - check the status line in the lower left corner of the Mach4 screen, and also click on the history button next to it.  If there was an error in our plug-in you should see a message there.

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.


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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2016, 02:55:06 AM »
Awesome! That pretty much covers all the bases. I might be able to do all that tomorrow, if not it would have to wait two weeks. I'm pretty sure that I should be able to get everything going now.  I did get motion back about an hour ago. One of those sneaky switches was still normally closed.

Great work bob


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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2016, 03:42:30 PM »
I wired all of the limit switches in series and normally closed. They work exactly as they should. The same goes for the home switches. I can have them reference properly in the machine diagnostics tab. But some weird stuff is now going on. If I ref all axes, it will home the z, and then the x axis quits about half way home, then the 422  loses communication. It will seem to lose communication after about 1-2 minutes of doing anything. Jogging, homing... I have gotten an internal error message, a error 107 and the regular communication error after disabling and re enabling. Otherwise everything works great. I disabled those other pluggins, it's never done this before though.

Its almost like it is on an timer. Everything is working, then just stops. Every time.

Bob at PMDX

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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2016, 06:29:07 PM »
But some weird stuff is now going on. If I ref all axes, it will home the z, and then the x axis quits about half way home, then the 422  loses communication.
Update to the most recent plug-in (version 0.36.171 found here: This fixes a bug in the homing code that causes these symptoms.

It will seem to lose communication after about 1-2 minutes of doing anything. Jogging, homing... I have gotten an internal error message, a error 107 and the regular communication error after disabling and re enabling.
If you still see this after updating the plugin, please generate a plug-in debug log.  The general procedure for this is described under FAQ #4 here:

Enable the debug log, exit Mach4, the re-start Mach4 and run until you see the communications error.  Then disable the debug log and either send me just the log file (the location is described in the FAQ), or create another Mach4 profile package and send that to me.

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.


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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2016, 11:23:08 AM »
yay! it all works. thanks so much. I cant wait to tear up some metal with this mill.

Bob at PMDX

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Re: Driver disabling 422
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2016, 03:07:05 PM »
yay! it all works. thanks so much. I cant wait to tear up some metal with this mill.
Good deaL!  If you see the general communication errors that you *were* seeing after a couple of minutes,  then try capturing a debug log of this happening as described above and send that to me.

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.