Thanks Jarhead. Though I see "Go To Work Zero" on wx4 screenset and I am using Mach version 2803. Should I be using a different screenset?
The newer wx4 and wx6 screen sets call the button "Go To Work Zero" and the older wxMach screen set calls it "Go to zero". Supposedly the same function however the scripts behind the buttons are slightly different but should have the same effect. The wxMach screen set sends GCode (i.e. something like "G0 X0 Y0", by default leaving out the Z axis). The wx4 and wx6 screen sets call a function named GoToWorkZero(), which is defined in the screen load script to be:
mc.mcCntlMdiExecute(inst, "G00 X0 Y0 A0")--Without Z moves
i.e. still sending GCode and by default leaving out the Z axis. More than you wanted to know I'm sure.
1. "Reference All Axes (Home)" button causes the error "Unexpected homing request while Mach4 is disabled, ignoring" and also the error "Error 7 (Communication error) queuing HOME pkt for axis 'X' motor 'Slave 1' (id 3), aborting HOME cmd" flashes up briefly.
Fix for this is pending in next plug-in release. Though what exactly do you mean by "flashes up briefly"? Do you mean it shows up on the Mach4 status line at the bottom of the screen and is then replaced by something else (and you can see it again when you click on the "History" button)?
2. Go To Work Zero doesn't do anything. Maybe I need to create my own button with a simple script for this.
This is what I am waiting for the debug log and profile package to look at.
3. A new problem I am having right now is that I can't run *some* gcode files. One quite large (1.5Mb) file I was running happily an hour ago is now giving me the error "PMDX-SMARTBOB-USB DEVICE ERROR: SYSTEM ERROR (7): Motion Underrun" When I press "Cycle Start Gcode" this message flashes up briefly and then the program seems to reset and disable the machine.
Try increasing the SmartBOB's GCode buffer len and see if this has any effect. Go to the Mach4 "Configure" menu and select "Plulg-ins". Click on the "Configure" button next to the PMDX SmartBOB. When our config dialog appears, click no the "Performance Settings" tab. The default for the GCode buffer len is 250 milliseconds. Try increasing that to 500ms. It that doesn't work, try 750ms. If *THAT* doesn't work, then enable the debug log again and try to run the large GCode file. When it fails, disable the debug log and either send me another profile package.