Author Topic: Mach4 and PMDX-422 motion controller released for sale  (Read 6685 times)

Steve Stallings

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Mach4 and PMDX-422 motion controller released for sale
« on: October 31, 2014, 06:12:38 PM »
Nothing spooky about it!  This is the real thing!

PMDX is now shipping Mach4Hobby licenses and our
new PMDX-422 SmartBOB-USB motion controller.

Our first production run of boards is built and Mach4
software build #2067 is ready to go.

PMDX is an authorized distributor of Mach4 and orders
may now be placed on our web site.

Have a Happy Halloween!

Steve Stallings


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Re: Mach4 and PMDX-422 motion controller released for sale
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2014, 01:44:12 PM »
Do you have a time frame when the PMDX-407 will be released?  Also if I purchase the pmdx-422 now will it support PWM Spindle speed control in the future through a firmware upgrade?

Steve Stallings

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Re: Mach4 and PMDX-422 motion controller released for sale
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2014, 02:13:14 PM »
The PMDX-407 is planned for release before Thanksgiving. It will be a small daughter board that plugs onto the 26 pin header.

PWM support as well as many other features will be a simple firmware upgrade that is managed from within our Mach4 plug-in. There will be no charge for the firmware updates.
Steve Stallings


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Re: Mach4 and PMDX-422 motion controller released for sale
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2014, 12:05:33 PM »
I have a few questions i would like to ask if i may,i have a dedicated B/O board that i can not change as it has power filtering and is a dedicated servo board.
This board is from Dmm tech to run there servos however it does use a parallel port to run from Mach 3 ,my question is can this board run there's and all of its functions including PWM speed control.

I would like to upgrade the PC and to windows 8.1 and to mach 4 on my mill any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Steve Stallings

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Re: Mach4 and PMDX-422 motion controller released for sale
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2014, 09:35:36 PM »
Hello woffler,

I have looked at the DMM breakout board and with the exception of the
PWM spindle control, it should work with a PMDX-422. The PMDX-422
can provide a PWM signal on pin 14 or pin 16 but the DMM board wants
PWM on pin 1. It would be possible to create a scramble wire cable to
resolve this, but I think you would be better served to use a PMDX-407
spindle control with a PMDX-422 or PMDX-410.

Neither the PMDX-407 or the PMDX-410 is for sale yet. They should both
be available by the end of December. The PMDX-407 will generate the
analog speed signal, and also the spindle run signal. It does this using
internal signals and does not consume any of the outputs on the emulated
parallel port. The PMDX-410 is a sub-set of the PMDX-422 that provides
only a ribbon header for the parallel port cable. It does not include the
screw terminals and relay. It will be less expensive than the PMDX-422.
Steve Stallings