Author Topic: UC100 Plus PMDX-126 Expanded I/O & PMDX-107  (Read 4008 times)


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UC100 Plus PMDX-126 Expanded I/O & PMDX-107
« on: August 22, 2016, 11:30:41 AM »
I'm running a UC100 motion controller and need more inputs.  I've been looking at the PMDX-126 expanded I/O mode but it's not clear if it is compatible with the UC100.  That is, when the PMDX-126 plug in is used in Mach3, will the UC100 pass the extra inputs back to Mach3 and still allow the multiplexed stepper motor PWM signals to work smoothly?  Also, I'd like to use the PMDX-107 for VFD spindle control at the same time.  Is it possible and has PMDX tested this combination of hardware?  Finally, is there a minimum requirement with respect to the step rate on the UC100 when used with PMDX-126 in expanded I/O mode (choices are 25, 50, and 100 KHz)?


Steve Stallings

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Re: UC100 Plus PMDX-126 Expanded I/O & PMDX-107
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2016, 11:47:52 AM »
Sorry, but the UC100 is not going to be able to support the Expanded modes
of the PMDX-126. Their plug-in does not understand the multiplexer.

The PMDX-107 should work fine with the UC100.

The choice of step rate on the UC100 has no impact on the PMDX-126.

PMDX does not have a UC100 for testing, our answers are based on
reading their documentation.
Steve Stallings


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Re: UC100 Plus PMDX-126 Expanded I/O & PMDX-107
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2016, 01:49:23 PM »
OK.  Thanks Steve for the quick reply.  I guess I'll be migrating to the smooth stepper ESS then.  And with that, I won't need the expanded mode on the PMDX-126 since the smoothstepper supports 2 LPT ports natively when used with the PMDX-126.  Now, in reading the documentation, I believe a PMDX-108 should also be used for protection on the additional inputs.  All in all, it looks like I need:  Smoothstepper ESS, PMDX-126, PMDX-107, PMDX-108, and 3 ribbon cables to connect the boards together.  Does that sound about right?  I'm kicking myself for not having planned for more inputs when I initially built the controller.

Steve Stallings

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Re: UC100 Plus PMDX-126 Expanded I/O & PMDX-107
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2016, 02:26:26 PM »
You can get to E-Stop and 8 other isolated inputs with just the
PMDX-126 and either type of SmoothStepper.

For additional inputs, you can attach a PMDX-108-Input to the third
port on the Ethernet SmoothStepper. The USB SmoothStepper does
not have a third port.
Steve Stallings


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Re: UC100 Plus PMDX-126 Expanded I/O & PMDX-107
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2016, 05:50:35 PM »
I get it now.  I saw the statement in the PMDX-126 manual that the 8 data bits of the second parallel port can be supported with the optional PMDX-108 board.  I glossed over the fact that even without those 8 data bits, the second port offers 4 dedicated inputs on pins 11, 12, 13, and 15.  I suppose if I still needed more than 8 inputs, I could still use a USB smoothstepper with only 2 ports and wire it as shown in Figure 5 of the PMDX-108 manual.  But I'm leaning towards the smoothstepper ESS just to have better noise immunity.