Author Topic: PMDX-179 onboard E-Stop LED does not work when connected to PMDX-126. (DOA?)  (Read 7036 times)


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The "E-Stop" LED on the PMDX-179 does not illuminate even when the E-Stop LED on the PMDX-126 shows that I have E-Stop Activated.

My PMDX-179 is connected to the PMDX-126 vis a 3' cat5e network cable. Most of the LEDs work as I would expect them to -- except for the "E-Stop".

My PMDX-179 Config DIP switches are all OFF, JP1 is set to "On-Board" and JP2 is set to "Off"

I would appreciate any tips or suggestions. I could not find the answer in either the documentation or this forum (Checked both first)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2016, 05:43:22 PM by EricMack »

Bob at PMDX

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Re: How do I get PMDX-179 E-Stop light to work when connected to PMDX-126
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2016, 02:52:23 AM »
That is strange. Just to confirm, on the PMDX-179 do you see the "Outputs Enabled" LED on (presuming you have "normal mode without charge pump" selected as you mentioned in your other post)?  And do you see the "Step Activity" LED flicker when  you jog an axis?

If you press and hold the "Test" push-button on the PMDX-126 you should see both the "EStop" and "Error Code" LEDs on the PMDX-179 turn on.  Does that happen?  Note that the "Error Code" LED may now be labeled "Status", I'm not sure.

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.


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Re: How do I get PMDX-179 E-Stop light to work when connected to PMDX-126
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2016, 11:41:24 AM »
Hi Bob,
Again, thanks for the prompt response. Still no success with this but here are the answers to your questions:

1. I can confirm, on the PMDX-179 that I DO see the "Outputs Enabled" LED ON
2. I do NOT see the "Step Activity" LED flicker when  I jog an axis? (I believe that is because I am using an External G540 on ESS Port3 -- bypassing the PMDX-126). I temporarily reassigned X Axis ports and pins to Port 1 Pins 2&3 and jogged the X Axis and now I DO see the "Step Activity" LED light. So I believe that works fine. (May want to clarify that this LED is only for PMDX-126 onboard Step/DIR)
3. When I press and hold the "Test" push-button on the PMDX-126 here's what I see on the PMDX-179:
   Status LED = ON (You called it "Error Code")
   E-Stop Remains off
4. Out of curiousity, I pressed and held the "Test" button on the PMDX-107 and:
   Outputs Enabled = changed to OFF
   Status LED = ON
   E-Stop Remains off
5. I reread the documentation for PMDX-179 and noticed that it says the CONFIG switches are ignored at this time but that they should all be set to ON. Mine were all set to OFF from the factory. I changed them to ON. No change in results.

Please let me know what I should do next. This board is new and installed last week. Everything else seems to work on it. It's actually quite a handy board!

Bob at PMDX

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Re: How do I get PMDX-179 E-Stop light to work when connected to PMDX-126
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2016, 10:47:04 PM »
It sounds like the EStop LED on the PMDX-179 is not working. Alas there is no "Self test" feature on the PMDX-179.

If you have a volt meter you can try this:
(1) Connect the PMDX-179 to the PMDX-126 and power them on.
(2) Ground the PMDX-126's EStop input (should make the PMDX-126's red EStop LED turn off).
(3) On the PMDX-179, measure the voltage from J3 (the large screw terminal connector) pin 1 (labeled "EStop") to J3 pin 10 (labeled "PCgnd").  This should be something close to 5V (maybe 3 to 4V or so).
(4) Disconned the PMDX-126's EStop input from GND (should make the PMDX-126's red EStop LED turn on)
(5) Again measure the voltage on the PMDX-179 J3 pin 1 to pin 10.  You should see something close to 0V (something less than 0.7V).

If you get those two voltage readings and no EStop LED on the PMDX-179, then you need to send the PMDX-179 back to us for repair.  If you send it to us, include a note inside explaining what the issue is.  Ship it to the address on our contact page.  On the outside of the box somewhere include "RMA #10111601".

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.


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Re: How do I get PMDX-179 E-Stop light to work when connected to PMDX-126
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2016, 04:33:13 AM »
Bob, here are the answers to your requested tests
1. With the PMDX-126's EStop input grounded (Which makes the PMDX-126's red EStop LED turn off) the voltage across the PMDX-179 J3 Pin1 & 10 is 0.92 volts (zero point nine two)
2. With the PMDX-126's EStop input OPEN (Which makes the PMDX-126's red EStop LED turn ON) the voltage across the PMDX-179 J3 Pin1 & 10 is 0 Voltz (zero volts)

Could it be as simple as a bad LED which I can replace for you to avoid delay and shipping? Or, do you need the unit back for repair? (I just purchased it)

I await your instruction. Thanks.

Steve Stallings

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Re: How do I get PMDX-179 E-Stop light to work when connected to PMDX-126
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2016, 05:27:44 PM »
The outputs on J3 of the PMDX-179 do not source voltage. They are switches
that conduct to ground when turned on. You must provide the voltage that
runs your external indicators, and let the PMDX-179 ground the other side
of the indicator to turn it on.

See Figure 3 on page 7 of the PMDX-179 manual.
Steve Stallings


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I simply want to get the PMDX-179 E-Stop LED (the on board one) to work.

It does not and has not since the board arrived last week. Bob has been helping me and the above post was my answer to his question.

Can you help? I'd really like to get this working. Thanks!

« Last Edit: October 12, 2016, 05:44:02 PM by EricMack »


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Under Steve's direction, I replaced the LED with a new one. All is now well
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2016, 06:53:01 PM »
Steve and I tested the circuit and concluded that the next step was to pull the LED and try a new one. I replaced the LED and the E-Stop LED comes on when E-Stop is activated on the PMDX-126.

I understand these things can happen and I really appreciate being able to talk to people who are smart and willing to stick with customers until the issues are resolved. That's what brought me to PMDX and that kind of service will keep me coming back to buy more.

All is now well and this case is closed.