I just bought a couple of used, stepper equipped, Sherline mini machines.
A lathe and a mill. Both in good physical shape. Tight and cared for.
Came with an old controller box but no pc.
Rather than build a Linux box (as is the seeming standard for the Sherline machines) I am looking at modern options
that I can run from Windows.
I have used linux but am hoping to not need a dedicated PC for this if possible.
Would the PMDX Box level controller products be a possibility?
What Windows versions can feed such a beast?
Am thinking of something like the PMDX-422 and Mach4 Hobby bundle.
The steppers on the Sherline machines are stock from Sherline.
I am larger scale CNC "capable but learning" Mostly on an old Fadal and a new Shopbot.
Willing to upgrade steppers if needed or if there is a benefit.
This small stuff is new to me, looks fun, and I am willing to hack so...
any advice or guidance would be appreciated.