Author Topic: What post configuration should I be using.  (Read 4386 times)


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What post configuration should I be using.
« on: March 11, 2017, 04:21:24 PM »
I am using pmdx 411, g540 and mach4hobby (3233 and Win 7) on the cutting end and fusion 360 on the design end.   Something weird happened today and everything stopped working as it has been (Jogging with keyboard now slams into the end of it's travel every time I touch the arrow or pgup,pgdn keys, and when I start a job, it seems to go off in the wrong direction until it hits hard metal)  In trying to figure out what happened, I noticed that post production setting in fusion 360 is pointing to my old motion controller (tinyG) and most of my successful prints up to now seem to have used that setting.  After this even, it was set to the first configuration in the drop down.  I looked for something that might be more in line with the 411 but found nothing.  I tried selecting Mach3 (there is no mack4 in the list) and that was even worse.

What is recommended to use for fusion post configuration when producing gcode for the 411 and g540.

Just FYI, this all started when kind of out of the blue, my monitor screen started flashing on and off, the image turned up side down.  I shut everything down, and it still came up upside down.  I turned it back as it should be but after that, the jog keys no longer worked as they did.  Nothing else on the computer seems to show any abnormal behavior once I inverted the screen again.  A cold restart seemed to fix the keyboard jogging, but the cnc still acts wierd on startep (as above)) weird , huh?


Steve Stallings

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Re: What post configuration should I be using.
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2017, 09:01:03 PM »
OK, I can help on the post processor selection but do not know
anything specific about Fusion 360. If it has a selection for the
Fanuc 20i controller, use that. Else look for Mach3 or a "generic"
post processor.

As for all the crazy stuff with your computer...... maybe find a
witch doctor?
Steve Stallings


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Re: What post configuration should I be using.
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2017, 09:40:55 AM »
That's funny. Could it be the drivers?

Steve Stallings

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Re: What post configuration should I be using.
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2017, 09:03:31 PM »
My only guess is that your Mach4Hobby configuration is corrupted.

You could try re-installing Mach4, but be sure your profile is named
something other that the defaults, such as Mach4Mill, and make
a packaged profile so you can re-import your old configuration.
Steve Stallings