Hello Seebee,
I hope I can help, but if I don't I'm sure someone who can will be along soon.
First, I never looked at the XML files, I don't know how to open it. Sorry
Second, I had all the manuals and the PMDX AN002 AppNote infront of me, it was confusing looking at all those manuals at once. Here's the link to the AppNotes if you need it.
http://www.pmdx.com/AppNotesThere's a few things that I can see you need to check and most likely need to fix/change.
The first, your showing that you have "pins" 16 & 17 in your Spindle Ports/Pins. Pin #17 is the "Charge Pump" pin. And the "Charge Pump" is just a signal that is sent from Mach3 to the 126 board, if the board doesn't receive this signal (when it should) it means something is wrong, it's just another safety feature type of thing and is not needed but it's nice to have just in case something happens to the PC.
Also I think you need to fix something for the J10 relay, mine doesn't activate when I turn on the spindle, I'll have to look at the manuals closer to answer this.
Here's some of my setting.
In Mach3
Motor Outputs tab
Spindle Ports & Pins line is;
grn, 16, 14, grn, red, 1, 1
Output Signals tab
My "Charge Pump" is;
grn, 1, 17, red
Spindle Setup tab
Relay Control (upper left of window);
Disable Spindle Relays is "checked"
Motor Control (top center);
Use Spindle Motor Output is "checked"
PWM Control is "checked"
PWM Base Freq - 25
Min PWM - 1%
Dip Switches on the boards;
126 - #1 OFF, the rest are ON
107 - All OFF