Author Topic: Mach $ and 424 board / problems with Ref All Home and touch plate offsets  (Read 5657 times)


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Using Mach 4 ver. 3390, 424 board ver. 52, screen set wxRouter

1.  Ref All home is not working, All I get is a message box stating Referencing is complete.  No Axis movement.  Axis move with jog and running program.  Limit switches, etc. all setup and are operational.

2. With the touch plate where do I setup the X and Y offsets values.  X offset = 2.505 and Y = 2.785.  Z works fine with a gage block setup of 0.892.  Using the touch screen the probe moves to touch block and then backs off 0.2 inches. I may get an end value of 1.911 or something.  Now what do I do?  Using a 1/8" probe.  It seems to me this should not be too difficult, but I have tried many things and cannot seem to get there.  Assistance appreciated. 

Steve Stallings

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In order for homing to work you must have the home input configured, even if it is the same switch or
sensor as one of the limit inputs, and you must have homing configured in Config > Mach under the
Homing/Softlimits tab. If you have Home In Place enabled, there will be no motion. The operation of
homing is documented in the "Mach4 CNC Controller config.pdf" manual which can be found from
Help > Documentation Folder. Look at descriptions starting on page 18 of this manual.

If one switch can mean both Motor0-- limit and Motor0-- home, then you should complete both
entries in the Config > Mach > Input Signals table with identical data.

You can confirm operation of your sensors by using the Real Time I/O display panel available by
activating it using the button on the lower half of the page at Config > Plugins > PMDX SmartBOB.
This will show what is being seen at the terminals of the SmartBOB without trying to understand
what the signal means. This panel can be move to a convenient spot on your desktop and left
open while you work on other configuration issues.

To see what Mach4 thinks the signals mean, see the Machine Diagnostics page..... Oops, it got left
off of the wxRouter screen set. You can temporarily load the wx4 screen set which will have the
Machine Diagnostics tab at the top. That tab will show a page with all the inputs, as Mach4 sees
them. Be sure to look at the ones called Inputs, not the Outputs. You can load the wx4 screen set
by using View > Load Screen and pick wx4.set from the list. When you are done you can go back
to the wxRouter screen by using View > Load Screen and pick wxRouter from the list.

If you need further help with configuration, please describe how your switches are wired and
post a copy of your "packaged profile" by using Help> Support > Package Current Profile and
save the file to some place where you can find it to attach to a post on this forum or to an email
if privacy is a concern.

If you are using the Touch module accessed from the button near the bottom of the screen, it
will open a window with controls. At the top left corner of this window you can access Help > Docs
for information about how it is intended to work.

I do not understand your question about X and Y offsets. You will need to ask on the Mach Support
forum for assistance with that. See:,94.0.html

« Last Edit: May 30, 2017, 07:54:14 PM by Steve Stallings »
Steve Stallings


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What I mean by offsets is that my gage block on x axis is 2.505 inches from work 0 and y is 2.785 from work 0.  If I have a 0.2 inch retract set, once the probe hits the block and retracts work zero is those offsets + 0.2 inches.  Probe is .125 inches.  How do I tell mach4 where work 0 is located.  It is the same as using the z axis with a gage block height of 0.829 inches except for x and y. 

Steve Stallings

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I am not sure you can use random gage block sizes as offsets
when probing for work zero in X and Y.

This is a question better answered on the Mach4 Support forum:
Steve Stallings