Author Topic: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install  (Read 10782 times)


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PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« on: January 30, 2015, 01:54:05 PM »
I have an existing machine operating under mach 3 with 2 PMDX-122 boards. I'm trying to insert an Ethernet smooth stepper and connect using the 26 pin headers and ribbon cable. I assume I have to translate the pin numbering to match the unconventional numbering of the smooth stepper, is this the case? The machine appears to be wired similar to the "daisy chained example" in figure 11 of the manual. In the example in figure 11 should port 1 of the ESS be connected to board 1  and port 2 to board 2, this seems counter intuitive since the motor pins are  attached to port 1 in Mach  but the hard wiring for the motors is attached to Board 2. Thanks for your help.

Bob at PMDX

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Re: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2015, 03:04:00 PM »
**EDIT** IGNORE THIS PARAGRAPH ** It is the ENCODERS that are shown connected to board #2
Figure 11 in the PMDX-122 User's Manual shows the motors connected to board #2.  That was only for ease of drawing.  The motors may be connected to either board.

The numbers on the two boards (#1 and #2) are for reference only and they do not necessarily reflect which PC (or ESS) parallel port they should connect to.

If the Mach3 configuration (Config->Ports & Pins, then click on the "Motors" tab) has the motor step and direction signals assigned to pins on port 1 (i.e. the "step port" and "dir port" are set to "1"), then connect the ESS port 1 to whichever PMDX-122 has the motors connected to it (that would be PMDX-122 #2 as show in Figure 11 in the PMDX-122 Users' Manual).  Likewise, if the Mach4 configuration has the step and direction signals on port 2, then connect the ESS port 2 to whichever PMDX-122 has the motors connected.

I assume I have to translate the pin numbering to match the unconventional numbering of the smooth stepper, is this the case?

I'm not sure what you mean by "unconventional numbering".  As far as I can recall, the SmoothStepper numbers its pins the same as a standard PC parallel port.  ESS Port 1 has output pins 2-9, 14, 16 and 17, and input pins 1, 10-13 and 15.  Port 2 is the same except that there is a SmoothStepper setting that allows port 2 pins 2-9 to be inputs instead of outputs.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 05:03:54 PM by Bob at PMDX »
Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
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Bob at PMDX

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Re: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2015, 03:30:38 PM »
Ohhhh, now I think I understand what you mean by "unconventional numbering".  The ESS User's Manual (page 21) tries to show how a normal ribbon cable connector is numbered as compared to the **CORRESPONDING** DB25 pin numbers.  You can safely ignore that diagram and all the confusion generated by it :-)

The signals are connected to the ESS Port 1 and Port 2 ribbon cable connectors so that if you connect a "26-pin ribbon header to DB25" cable, the signal that Mach3 calls "Pin 1" will show up on pin 1 of the DB25 connector, and "Pin 2" will show up on pin 2 of the DB25 connector, etc.  That is the SAME connection scheme that the PMDX-122 boards (and in fact, ALL of the PMDX products) use.  So if you take a 26-pin ribbon cable and connect the ESS port to a PMDX-122 it just works.  There is no need to think about how ribbon cable pins are numbered.  Just think about the DB25 (aka standard PC parallel port pins) pin numbers.

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
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Re: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2015, 03:40:09 PM »
I'm connecting the 26 pin on the ESS to 26 pin on the PMDX 122 J9 connector using port 1 and 2 and 2 PMDX boards


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Re: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2015, 04:02:23 PM »
The port 2 pins 2-9 are set up in the ESS General Config as "in"


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Re: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2015, 04:35:35 PM »
Any suggestions for me to try and get motion back? If the machine was working before the ESS and the ESS is talking to the compter any suggetions what to check. thanks

Bob at PMDX

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Re: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2015, 05:23:27 PM »
Any suggestions for me to try and get motion back? If the machine was working before the ESS and the ESS is talking to the compter any suggetions what to check. thanks

First a correction: I mis-spoke (mis-typed?) in my initial response.  Figure 11 in the PMDX-122 manual shows ENCODERS connected to board #2, not motors.  The jumper settings shows on board #2 make pins 2-9 inputs to the PC.  If motors were connected to board #2 then jumper JP5 on board #2 would need to be installed in the "OUT" position.

Now we get into the "20 questions" game:
(1) Do you have the PMDX-122 jumpers configured as in Figure 11 in the PMDX-122 User's Manual?  If not, please tell me how the jumpers are set on both of the PMDX-122 boards.  You can refer to the PMDX-122 boards as "#1" and "#2" where "#1" is the board that is connected to the ESS port 1, and "#2" is connected to ESS port 2.

(2) If you DO have the PMDX-122 jumpers set as in Figure 11, please verify that the PMDX-122 shown as "#2" is indeed connected to the ESS port 2.

(3) Just to clarify for me, which PMDX-122 do you have the motors connected to (using the same board references as in question 1 above).

(4) Do your ribbon cables have keys on the connectors (a bump in the center of one of the long edges that makes it so you cannot plug the cable in backwards)?  If not, most ribbon cables have a red stripe on the edge that is pin 1.  On the ESS boards, pin 1 on ports 1 & 2 are on the left-hand side of the connectors when the ethernet connecter is facing to the right.  On the PMDX-122 boards, pin 1 is on the edge closest to the EStop connector.

(5) When you enable Mach3 (click on the "Reset" button so that it stops flashing and turns green), do both PMDX-122 boards have their "Outputs Enabled" LEDs turned on?

(6) In your Mach3 configuration, which port are the motor step and direction signals assigned to?

(7) Do any of your non-motor inputs or outputs work?  EStop?  Limit switches?  Can you cause the relay on either of the PMDX-122 boards to engage?

(8) Jog one of the motors forward, then look at the LEDs on the PMDX-122 for the step/dir that are connected to that motor.  Note if they are on or off.  Then jog that motor in the reverse direction.  Look at the LEDs again.  One of them should have changed from on to off, or from off to on.  If so, that signal is what Mach3 is driving as the direction signal.  Verify that that is connected to the DIR input on your motor driver.  If you see no difference then we will have to dig deeper into your configuration.

OK, so that was only 8 questions so far.  I'm sure there will be more.

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
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Re: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2015, 07:13:11 PM »
Thanks Bob, Yes your right that does show encoders I didn't look closely enough. this machine has the motors connected to board 2.
Keep in mind this machine has worked for a number of years and this is just a smooth stepper installation. Nothing has been changed on the boards.
Jumpers are set as follows;
Board 1
JP1 Grd&com
JP2 always & pin2-9 enable
JP3 not estop & outputs enabled
JP4 normal -pin17 out
JP5  out & dir
JP6 Estop signal only

Board 2
JP1 Grd pin 2-9 com
JP2 OK- 2-9 enable
JP3 CP OK& not estop fault- output enable
JP4 OK & pin17 out
JP5 out & Dir
JP6 normal- estop mode

3) the motors are connected to board 2
4) the ribbon cables have bumps. if you lay them flat on a desk the bumps are both facing the same side. I made the ribbon cables.
5) Outputs enabled led does not light (either board) e stop light is on board 1
6) motors are assigned to port 1 in mach
7)no inputs or outputs work
8)nothing moves


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Re: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2015, 08:42:50 PM »
Thanks Bob, I  swapped the ribbon cables around for the 4th time and this time it worked for some reason, so I have XYZ motion. unfortunately no A axis and judging by the flashing lights on the controller I think it's a controller issue. It was powered up for awhile without a motor attached and although the manufacturer said it wouldn't hurt it I'm not sure what else it would have been. Anyway thanks for your help.

Bob at PMDX

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Re: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2015, 11:13:05 PM »
If you made the ribbon cables yourself, do you have any way to check or shorts between pins or no-connects?  If the PMDX-122s were working in this exact configuration before (I presume from 2 parallel ports on the PC), the only new things are the SmoothStepper and the ribbon cables.  Saying that "Swapping the ribbon cables for the 4th time" made it work except for the "A" axis makes me think of intermitent connections in the ribbon cables.

One test to help you diagnose the "A" axis problem is to swap the step/dir wires for the Z and A axis on the PMDX-122.  For example, if the "Z" axis was connected to J3 (pins 6 & 7), and the "A" axis was on J4 (pins 8 & 9), move the "Z" step/dir wires to J4 and the "A" step/dir wires to J3.  DO NOT change the Mach3 configuration.  Now, if you try to jog the "Z" axis in Mach3 the physical "A" axis should move.  And if you jog the "A" axis in Mach3, the physical "Z" axis should move.

If the problem remains with the "A" axis motor then it is likely an issue with the motor driver. If the problem moves to the "Z" axis motor, then the problem is most likely with the Mach3 config, the ribbon cable or the PMDX-122.

Verify that the pin that your Mach3 configuration says should be the "A" axis step signal is indeed wired to the motor driver's step input.  Likewise with the "dir" signal.  You can also do the test of jogging the "A" axis one direction then looking that the LED for the direction signal.  Then jog the "A" axis the opposite direction and the "A" axis direction LED should change states.  If the LED turns on and off as you jog back and forth then at least the direrction signal is getting to the PMDX-122 board.

Engineering Hell: Everything's right and nothing works.
Bob's Corollary: If everything's right and nothing works, double check your assumptions.


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Re: PMDX-122 Ethernet smooth stepper install
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2015, 02:24:55 PM »
Thanks for all your help Bob. Everything is up and running better than ever. The 4th axis problem turned out to be a piece of Styrofoam jammed between 2 signal pins. If any one has an older FROGMILL by streamline that came with Mach 3 and they want to upgrade I would be happy to share information.