Author Topic: charge pump for reset works with 2 out of 3 G320x drives  (Read 3111 times)


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charge pump for reset works with 2 out of 3 G320x drives
« on: September 20, 2017, 11:31:30 AM »
I wired this up this morning to ensure if there is a drive fault it will stop the program from running/crashing.  All of the drives are wired as per the instructions (pmdx provided) and I will try to explain how I did that to the best of my typing abilities.  I have a wire going from the PMDX126 ERR+ to my Z drive +5V.  I have a wire going from the PMDX126 "COM" to the Z drive +5V.  I have a wire coming from the PMDX126 "RST" and another wire coming from the PMDX126 "ERR-" to a soldered joint which splits 3 ways to go the each drives "ERR/RES" terminal.  When I manually get a line count fault to fault the drives the PC/Mach III see the error on axis Y and Z but not from X and will also reset the Y and Z drives but not X.  I have CONFIG on the PMDX126 to have terminal 1 and 7 to OFF and the rest ON.  In Mach III I had the E-stop enabled to pin 10 already and added the "enable charge pump" to pin 17 active low with a red X as per the instructions.  I have gone over the drives to make sure they were setup the same and they are.  I verified the wiring and I see no difference with the X wiring versus any of the others as they are jumpered together.  Any thoughts?


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Re: charge pump for reset works with 2 out of 3 G320x drives
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2017, 08:25:26 AM »
I should add that if I swap the reset wire to a different drive the problem stays with the drive and not the reset wire.  I have an E-mail in with Gecko but I am guessing the problem is there.

Steve Stallings

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Re: charge pump for reset works with 2 out of 3 G320x drives
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2017, 01:47:48 PM »
I agree that the issue may be with the drive.

You might test the drivers one at a time to be sure there are no interactions.

I am not sure you can mix the old G320 and the new G320 on the same
reset circuit from a PMDX-126.

Steve Stallings