Author Topic: how to wire the pmdx-126 to this cnc  (Read 2896 times)


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how to wire the pmdx-126 to this cnc
« on: December 18, 2017, 01:50:25 PM »
Hello all,

 I just bought this China CNC which runs on NCStudio. It works well enough but not as well as Mach3. I really don't want to screw up my machine so I was hoping I can get someone to help me wire it up to the PMDX-126 board. I am including a schematic that I drew up in Visio (since China didn't include).

I would appreciate any help


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Re: how to wire the pmdx-126 to this cnc
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2017, 11:28:57 PM »
See if this gets you started:

Here is a link that shows a connection diagram for (I think) the NCStudio screw terminal board.

Looking at that along with the PDF that you created:

XP/YP/ZP are most likely the step signals for the X/Y/Z axes respectively.
XD/YD/ZD are the direction signals

It looks like they use +5V common, so I would suspect you need to configure these as "low active" in Mach.

From the link above, it looks like the limit switches are wired as switches to ground (or in your system, perhaps NPN-style or PNP-style sensors if they require a +24V supply.  Look and see if you can tell if you have mechanical switches or sone sort of proximity sensor.  The PMDX-126 manual shows how to wire each type.