Author Topic: 3 identical axis drivers  (Read 3048 times)


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3 identical axis drivers
« on: May 02, 2018, 08:47:48 PM »
Not sure where to begin, but I have 3 identical axis drivers that were working just fine. I was building a new CNC  router and I needed 1 driver for test my build , so I took the driver from my {"X" axis and put it on a identical motor setup only on "Z" axis . I tried my machine out all was just waiting for the replacement. When new Driver of again same brand as I had , came in I put it on the newer machine. And put the one I took off of older CNC, and reinstated it back on "X" axis . Put setting back as they were prior to removing driver and loaded Mach 4. put machine in manual mode with Mach 4 and tried "X" axis and low and behold it would not work. Made sure "X" axis drive screw was not free with power on driver and all was well with that, put Enable pin to ground and that released motor so I could turn screw by hand. So that was good. So I swapped motor wires and with "Y axis and had "Y" axis driver control "X" motor and no problem , so that eliminated wiring problem with "X" axis so then I swapped only pulse and direction wires on my pmdx controller and had output of motion board's "X" output control "Y" axis again no issue, So that ruled out PMDX board. So I took  the driver on "X" axis back off and placed it on new machine I was building but with a different motion board and that driver worked just fine. So I put new Driver On old machine put switches on driver where they needed to be and connected a know working driver back to my older machine, and same condition, no "X" axis movement. So I am at the end of my  knowledge about this and have come to forum for ideas. Now remember wiring checked out and was verified by using "Y" axis driver and pmdx board. The know good driver was verified on new machine and works well but again different motion board. And what was good driver on "X" was swapped with new machine and works just fine. All motion pulse and directions outputs were swapped and worked just fine when controlling "Z" and "Y" but nothing works when "X" is connected to any driver I have tried. 5 of them all together and all failed on "X" and when swapped with "Y" then "Y" does not work and when swapped with "Z" then "Z" does not work. BUT ALL DRIVERS WORK WITH NEW MACHINE WITH DIFFERENT MOTION CONTROLLER.


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Re: 3 identical axis drivers
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2018, 01:34:50 PM »
That is some pretty thorough testing.  There are a few details that aren't clear (to me) from your descriptions.  I presume you are still using the PMDX-422 that you mentioned in your earlier posts.

- Mach4 "manual mode" - Do you mean entering G-Code commands manually via the MID window?  Or were you trying to jog the axis?

- When you were trying to make the X axis motor move (or whichever Mach4 axis was wired to the motor on your X axis), did the DRO show movement when the motor did not move?

- During all of your swapping of wiring, did you try to move both motors, or only the motor physically mounted on the X axis?  For example, when you swapped the wiring frmo the drivers to the motors, did you then try to move the X axis *motor* via the Mach4 Y axis AND the Y axis *motor* via the Mach4 X axis?

- When you swapped the step and direction wires, did you unplug the connectors on the PMDX-422 and swap them, or did you swap wires and/or connectors at the drivers?


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Re: 3 identical axis drivers
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2018, 07:39:07 PM »
Well the motors are mounted so I did not swap motors , but when I swapped "Y" axis driver and used "X" axis wiring the motor worked. But when I moved the physical driver to say "Y" axis and used "Y" axis wiring the "Y axis motor failed, so I knew problem had to be at driver but when I put that very same driver on a Acorn motion card that driver worked.
And remember this driver was the original driver that was just borrowed for the new build and when new driver came in I put the "Original" driver back on older CNC.
But I talked to PMDX today and he wished me luck because all the trouble shooting was done and there just did not seem to be a reasonable explanation. So I built me a pulse generator with direction control and hooked that driver to my generator.  Everything worked fine. Now I am at a real loss as to want to do, so I put the driver back on older CNC and hooked everything as before and it again failed but I noticed a very quick flash of the 2 lights on the driver they came on and went right back off. So I fiddled with the connector on the A+,A- B+B- positive input and and and the lights again flashed but the connector worked just fine on other drivers so I had but one more idea, and that was to take apart the driver and look at the male header connector on the board and wow what did I find the tolerances when manufacturing were against me and the length of the plus terminal was to short to make connection with my female connector solidly ,who's tolerance must have been at the low side also , so I moved the connector on the driver forward by removing the connector and moving it forward maybe 0.040 and playing with the holes a bit re-soldered the connector and all was fine.
So bottom line all is well in circuit city tonight. Lesson learned all that glitters is not gold, sometimes it is tinfoil