Author Topic: PMDX-126 Test mode not working  (Read 3337 times)


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PMDX-126 Test mode not working
« on: January 05, 2019, 05:09:46 PM »
I am trying to test my driver and motor. I have the pmdx-126. Believe all to be wired correct. On initial power up of board, power lite is on and outputs enabled lite is on. When I push test mode button. Status lite comes on but no steps lite. While pushing test button estop also comes on. When I release button estop resets automatically. Is there a jumper I'm missing. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. This is my first attempt at building a router table.


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Re: PMDX-126 Test mode not working
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2019, 11:50:33 PM »
EStop coming on while pressing the test button is normal.  It sounds like you don't have the PMDX-126's DIP switches configured to enable the "test" mode where the PMDX-126 generates step pulses.  See section 5.4.1 of the PMDX-126 user's manual.  Once you have test mode configured properly, the EStop LED should remain on as long as you have test mode selected (even if you aren't actually pressing the button).


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Re: PMDX-126 Test mode not working
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2019, 10:23:03 PM »
Thanks 12Strings.  Another part I overlooked. I will set dip switches and test again.