Author Topic: Ports and Pins  (Read 3341 times)


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Ports and Pins
« on: March 18, 2019, 08:01:03 AM »
Hey all.
 I was wondering if there is a program or utility that can find
What your pc is putting out on ports and pins
I've been messing around with setup for the last 3 Sundays and no what I try I cannot get my motors to run. They show running on the DRO. But no motor mov
ement. When I run test from the 126 I get motor movement. I'm running a 126 with ess. All the videos and written docs I've seen make it look easy. I do that and nothing. I don't get it. Oh I get status led light on board as showing ready, also pluses but no step. Any ideas?


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Re: Ports and Pins
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2019, 01:12:03 AM »
The PMDX plug-in has the ability to show the real-time status of all the inputs and outputs.  I don't know if the ESS plug-in has the same ability.  That is a question for the Warp9 support forums.

also pluses but no step
?????? What does this mean?  Where do you see "pulses".

And you still have suggestions/tests in the other thread (


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Re: Ports and Pins
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2019, 04:52:22 AM »
When I push the test button on 126
 I see the led light for pluses
It blinks when I push test button.
Along with status led. But no step led light


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Re: Ports and Pins
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2019, 12:30:07 AM »
I see the led light for pluses.
It blinks when I push test button.
Along with status led.
Which LED is the "led for pulses"?  Is the the LED labeled "Steps" near the center of the board?  And by "along with status led" do you mean that the status LED blinks as well?  Or that the status LED turns on  and stays on solid (no blinking) when you press the test button?

If the "Steps" LED blinks when you press the "Test" button that means you have the PMDX-126 in TEST MODE.  And when in TEST MODE it ignores the signals from the ESS.  Set the PMDX-126 DIP switches for "normal mode without charge pump" (all switches pressed or slid towards the "Config 1', etc. silkscreen and away from the "open" silkscreen).

Then press and release the TEST button once to activate this new mode.  After you release the TEST button, you should see the "Status" LED off, the "steps" LED off and the "Outputs Enabled" LED on.  Pressing and holding the TEST button you should see the status LED on solid, the "steps" LED off, and I don't remember what the "Outputs Enabled" LED does while the test button is pressed.  I think it turns off, but I'm not sure.

With the DIP switches in this setting, can you get the ESS to control any output signal on the PMDX-126 (like mapping the "spindle on" signal to PMDX-126 port 1 pin 1, which is the large relay on the 126 board)?  Again, see the suggestions in the other thread.


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Re: Ports and Pins
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2019, 11:49:22 AM »
Still cannot get my motors to move with ess. Can someone help me with the configuration settings under mach 4 and the ess (ports and pins) I have two cables going to the 126 from
ess and one from 126 to first 133 and another from first 133vto second 133. DRO shows movement.


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Re: Ports and Pins
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2019, 12:13:09 AM »
Did you try anything from my previous post?

And I don't remember if this was mentioned in this thread or not - is the ESS powered from the PMDX-126 board or from its own 5V power supply?  I believe it needs to be powered by a separate power supply as the PMDX-126 can't supply enough current to reliably power the ESS.

Trying a different track: take a picture of the PMDX-126 DIP switches and post it here.  Then also post your Mach4 profile file.  I make no guarantees that I can figure out the ESS related settings but I can give it a shot.  Otherwise, as I've mentioned before, you may need to take this to the Warp9 support forums to make sure you have the ESS side of things configured correctly.