Author Topic: ESS and PMDX-107 still require additional 5v supply?  (Read 2623 times)


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ESS and PMDX-107 still require additional 5v supply?
« on: April 05, 2019, 06:42:41 PM »
The Doc says that if I have a PMDX-126 (Rev C) , an ESS and a PMDX-107, I have to power the ESS from a separate 5v supply. Is that still true? I thought I heard Steve say that was no longer a problem, but I may have imagined it. 

If still true, which jumpers do I need to open? J3 and J4, but I thought there was a third one. I'm looking through the doc now but haven't located that info yet. 

Steve Stallings

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Re: ESS and PMDX-107 still require additional 5v supply?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2019, 01:06:53 PM »
There has been no change in the PMDX-126 and the external power source
is still recommended when you use both a PMDX-107 and the ESS. Some
people get away with it, but the PMDX-126 was originally engineered to
satisfy the needs of the USB SmoothStepper and the ESS draws more current.

I do not understand your question about J3 and J4. These connectors on the
PMDX-126 have nothing to do with the ESS.

If you are asking about jumpers on the ESS, you should remove the jumper
clips next to the Port 1 and Port 2 ribbon headers when using external power.

If you are asking about jumpers on the PMDX-126, you should put JP3 in the
off position to disconnect PMDX-126 power from the Port 1 and 2 connectors
of the PMDX-126.
Steve Stallings