Author Topic: Noob. Hooking up PMDX 424. Cant get motors to spin  (Read 4132 times)


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Noob. Hooking up PMDX 424. Cant get motors to spin
« on: September 07, 2019, 07:46:54 PM »

Complete beginner when it comes to CNC. Trying to set up] two NEMA 23s, two DM542T, and PDMX 424.

I wired everything up and fired up Mach 4 and I tried jogging the motors but nothing is moving. I followed the start up guide in the PMDX 424 manual.

Downloaded smartBOB plug in and can see the DRO's moving when I use keyboard but no motor movement.

Attached is my wiring set up and a LUA error I recieve. What is LUA?

Any input is appreciated. Thanks


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Re: Noob. Hooking up PMDX 424. Cant get motors to spin
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2019, 07:53:24 PM »
Here is my package profile


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Re: Noob. Hooking up PMDX 424. Cant get motors to spin
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2019, 01:32:14 AM »
(1) You  have the step/drir "COM" terminal wired to the positive puse/dir pins, but your profile has the "step/dir com" set to GND.  Go into the PMDX plug-in configuration on the "motors" tab and select "Step/dir common i s+5V".  And while you are there, change the "Step" and "dir" polarity from "positive" to "negative".  The step polarity wouldn't keep the motors from working, but with +5V common, "negative" step/dir polarity is the correct setting.  Though, depending on how you have your motors wired, you may want to change your "dir" polarity back to positive to get the motion in the desired direction.  But leave "step" polarity as negative.

(2) The data sheet for the DM542T is a tad confusing to me as to which polarity enables the driver.  Though it does say they recommend you leave tne ENA+/ENA- terminal unconnected to enable the drive.  So I suggest you try unconnecting the ENA+/ENA- terminals.

If that doesn't work, try slowing the acceleration way down in the main configuration motor config tab.


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Re: Noob. Hooking up PMDX 424. Cant get motors to spin
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2019, 01:50:50 PM »
woohoo we have movement! Thank you very much 12strings! As far as the LUA error I have disabled LUA in the control > plugin tab. Is this going to cause any issues down the road?


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Re: Noob. Hooking up PMDX 424. Cant get motors to spin
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2019, 12:24:11 AM »
As far as the LUA error I have disabled LUA in the control > plugin tab. Is this going to cause any issues down the road?
I don't know.  It might be better to try and find out WHAT file it is trying to open.  Several of the M-codes rely on Lua files in the "Macros" subdirectory under your profile, and the all of the functions on the "Probing" tab.

With Lua enabled, start Mach4.  when you see that error, click on the "History" button next to the error message and see if there is any more information there.