Author Topic: PMDX 107 PMDX126 controlling VFD Huanyang HY03D023B not functioning with Mach3  (Read 6340 times)

Hello Everyone,

I have been chasing this for over 3 weeks now and finally see
that I need help.

PMDX 107 with PMDX126 Breakout board controlling VFD
Huanyang HY03D023B not functioning with Mach3.

1)  The VFD works to control the spindle in Manual mode
      to full RPM of 24,000
2)  When the the Jumper on the VFD is set to VI the PMDX107
      runs in Test Mode, but not a full speed and I cannot get it
      to operate with Mach3 at all....after changing and logging the
      changes to many different possibilities...

Note 1  The R3 trim pot adjuster on the PMDX107 does nothing when turning
             it when running in the test mode.  The LED blinks normally.
             Max speed during Test Mode is estimated at 50%

Note 2  I have watched many YouTube's and know I am really out of
               my relm when it comes to electronics...I can wire 220 3 phase
               all day long, but these other parameters are troubling to me.

Current VFD settings as follow below:
PD 001       1                    source of run command
PD 002       1                    source of operating freq
PD 003       400               Main Freq
PD 004       400               Base Freq
PD 005       400               Max operating Freq
PD 007       20                  Min Freq
PD 008       220               Max voltage
PD 009       15                 Intermediate voltage
PD 010        8                  Min voltage
PD 011        120             Freq Lower Limit
PD 013         0                 Factory Reset
PD 014         12              Accel Time
PD 015         12              Decel  Time
PD 044         1                 Forward
PD 072         400            Higher analog Freq
PD 073         120            Lower analog Freq
PD 141         220            Motor rated voltage
PD 142         10               Motor rated amps
PD 143          2                 Number of poles
PD 144          9999         Max RPM of Motor...motor max is 24000 but
                                            this is the highest number it will allow me to
                                            enter on this line???

In Mach3 Config Ports and pins
1) Spindle Enabled, step pin 16, dir pin 14, dir low active off, 
       step low active off, step port 1, dir port 1

2) Outputs Signals
    Output #1, Enabled, port 2, pin 17, active low on
    Output #2, Enabled, port 2, pin 16, active low on
    Output#3, Enabled, port 2 pin 14, active low on

3) Spindle Setup
     Relay Control
         Clockwise Output #3
         CCW           Output #3
     Flood Mist Control
          Mist           Output #2  Delay 0
          Flood         Output #1   Delay 0
     Motor Control
           Use spindle Motor Output checked
           PWM Control checked
           PWM Base Freq 50
           Minimun PWM 0%

Any and all assistance is Very Much Appreciated!

Best Regards,


  • Posts: 278
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Generally, if the 107's trim pot has no effect on actual spindle speed when the 107 is running in test mode, something is wired incorrectly between the 107 and your VFD, or your VFD is mis-confgured.

If you haven't already done so, download PMDX"s app note AN001 and/or AN002 (  AN001 covers how to configure a 126/107 connected to a parallel port, among other things, and provides an XML file  (Mach3 config file) that you can load directly into Mach3.  You might try that XML just for the spindle and see if you can get that to work.  AN002 talks about using a SmoothStepper instead of parallel ports.  That app note is quite old and I the Mach3 SmoothStepper plug-in may have changed radically since then.  But it might get you started.

At a quick glance:

- You have Output #3 mapped to port 2 pin 14, and acting as a "spindle on" signal.  Are you actually using that signal to control anything related to the spindle? Maybe via one of the PMDX-126's relays (I think you can configure that pin to drive a relay).

- How do you have the 107 wired to your VFD?

- How do you have the 107's DIP switches set?

- How is the 126 connected to your PC?  Directly to a parallel port (actually 2 parallel ports since I see you are using signals from port 2)?  Through a SmoothStepper or other controller?  If you are using a SmoothStepper, that is a whole different ball of wax (see the AN002 reference above).  In fact, once you get the 107's test mode working, your best bet would then be to try the SmoothStepper forums to get Mach3/SS to generate the PWM.

- When running the 107 in test mode, do you get 2 different speeds from the VFD?  you are supposed to be able to get something like 100% and 30% full speed.

- When you try turning on the spindle from Mach3, can you see the "PWM" LED on the 107 glow?  Can you see the port 1 "Pin16" LED on the PMDX-126 glow?  If the PWM is working from Mach3, then the LED should get brighter as you command the spindle closer to 100%/full speed, and should get dimmer as you command the spindle down to low speed (30% or so).

- What are you doing in Mach3 to turn on the spindle?  For example, MDI commands "S" and "M3" or "M4"?  Using the GUI controls?

And finally, I'm probably not gonna be any help with VFD settings, other than make sure you have the VFD set to look for an analog control voltage instead of front panel keys.  I do believe there have been posts somewhere on these forums where people have listed the settings for various VFDs, some of which were the same brand as yours, if not the same model.

Hello and thanks for the Very Kind reply.

Please see Replys below in double quotation marks "" Reply ""

At a quick glance:

- You have Output #3 mapped to port 2 pin 14, and acting as a "spindle on" signal. 
Are you actually using that signal to control anything related to the spindle? Maybe
via one of the PMDX-126's relays (I think you can configure that pin to drive a relay).

"" Since I am not using a Port 2, I change all Outputs #1,2,3 to Port 1""

- How do you have the 107 wired to your VFD?

""VFD                    107
     Forward            Forward/Run
     Vi                         Aout
     ACM                   Agnd
     DCM                   Common""

- How do you have the 107's DIP switches set?

""All Off in the down position""

- When running the 107 in test mode, do you get 2 different speeds from the VFD? 
you are supposed to be able to get something like 100% and 30% full speed.

"" I only get about 50% speed and nothing else""

- When you try turning on the spindle from Mach3, can you see the "PWM" LED on the 107 glow?
 Can you see the port 1 "Pin16" LED on the PMDX-126 glow?  If the PWM is working from Mach3,
then the LED should get brighter as you command the spindle closer to 100%/full speed, and
should get dimmer as you command the spindle down to low speed (30% or so).

""No PWM LED glow on 107.  Pin 16 LED is only on upon starting the 126,
     when I press the Reset on the Mach3 screen to turn it off and be able to
     work in Mach3 the Pin 16 LED goes out.""

- What are you doing in Mach3 to turn on the spindle?  For example, MDI commands "S" and
"M3" or "M4"?  Using the GUI controls?

"" Using the Spindle CW F5 button on the Mach screen""

Nothing has been changed in the Config of Mach3, except to change the settings that were set to Port2
which was not being used to Port 1.

I got all of these settings from watching a YouTube "Rick's CNC" and finally got the spindle to move from
the 107 Test.

Everything with the VFD works fine when not connected through the 126/107.

Any further ideas?

Very Best Regards,



  • Posts: 278
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"" Since I am not using a Port 2, I change all Outputs #1,2,3 to Port 1""
NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!  That will cause you to have multiple output signals mapped to the same physical "parallel port" pins.  The "flood" is now port 1 pin 17, which is also the "charge pump" (presuming, of course, that you are using the charge pump signal to the PMDX-126).  "Mist" is now port 1 pin 16, which is also your spindle PWM pin.  And "Spindle CW" and "Spindle CCW" are now port 1 pin 14, which is also your spindle "DIR" signal.

For now, please disable Output #1, #2 and #3.

Any further ideas?
Yes, did you try the PMDX app notes and sample XML profiles that I mentioned?

Are you using a real parallel port to connect your PC to the PMDX-126?  Or are you using a SmoothStepper or some other motion device?

I forgot to ask, how do you have the PMDX-126's DIP switches and jumpers JP1/JP2 set?

Disconnect the 107 from your VFD.  Manually connect the VFD's "FWD" terminal to the "DCOM".  Then connect the VFD's 10V/VR output to the Vi input.  Does the spindle run full speed?  Disconnect the FWD terminal.  Does the spindle stop?

And finally, post you Mach3 XML file here.

Again, thanks so much for your a fish out of water here!!!
New answers in between """ answer"""

("" Since I am not using a Port 2, I change all Outputs #1,2,3 to Port 1"")

NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!  That will cause you to have multiple output signals mapped to the
same physical "parallel port" pins.  The "flood" is now port 1 pin 17, which is also the
 "charge pump" (presuming, of course, that you are using the charge pump signal to the
 PMDX-126).  "Mist" is now port 1 pin 16, which is also your spindle PWM pin.  And
 "Spindle CW" and "Spindle CCW" are now port 1 pin 14, which is also your spindle "DIR" signal.

For now, please disable Output #1, #2 and #3.


"""Ok, that makes since"""

(""Any further ideas?"")

Yes, did you try the PMDX app notes and sample XML profiles that I mentioned?

"""Yes, but I did not see anything much different than what I have"""

Are you using a real parallel port to connect your PC to the PMDX-126?  Or are you using a SmoothStepper or some other motion device?

"""Connected directly to the PC"""

I forgot to ask, how do you have the PMDX-126's DIP switches and jumpers JP1/JP2 set?

""" The 126 DIP switches Config 1 to 8 are all on"""
""" Jumper JP1 is set to pin 1 and JP2 to pin 14...neither are set to multimode"""

Disconnect the 107 from your VFD.  Manually connect the VFD's "FWD" terminal to the
"DCOM".  Then connect the VFD's 10V/VR output to the Vi input.  Does the spindle run
full speed?  Disconnect the FWD terminal.  Does the spindle stop?

"""spindle runs perfectly when not connected to the 107"""

And finally, post you Mach3 XML file here.

"""kindly find the attached most recent XML file attached"""

Very Best Regards,



  • Posts: 278
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You still have Output #1 enabled which conflicts with your charge pump on port 1 pin 17 (which probably doesn't matter as you have the PMDX-126 configured to ignore the charge pump).  And output #2 is still enabled which conflicts with your spindle PWM on port 1 pin 16.

And a basic question I presumed the answer but just to make sure - you are able to run your motors and it is just the spindle control that you are having problems with.  Correct?

Do you have a volt meter?  If so, after you disable output #2 (disabling output #1 is optional at this point), try to turn the spindle on using the PMDX-107's test button.  Measure the voltage AT THE PMDX-107 between the Aout and Agnd terminals.  Then also measure the voltage between the VFD's Vi and Acm terminals.  They should both be around 10V.  Then press the 107's test button again to run at 30% speed and measure the voltages.  You should see something around 3 volts in both places.

Thank you again for this kind help.
Again answers in between "" answer ""

You still have Output #1 enabled which conflicts with your charge pump
 on port 1 pin 17 (which probably doesn't matter as you have the PMDX-126
configured to ignore the charge pump).  And output #2 is still enabled which
conflicts with your spindle PWM on port 1 pin 16.

"" Perhaps I am not sending the updated XML file, as my screen shows
     All Outputs Not Enabled...Except Charge Pump on Port 1 Pin 17""

""How does one create the latest XML file after making changes?""

And a basic question I presumed the answer but just to make sure - you are
able to run your motors and it is just the spindle control that you are having
 problems with.  Correct?

""Yes, the motors and limit switches all work and I have been running the
     spindle manually to preform work, but would like it to do as the CAM
     outputs from Fusion360 according to Tool diameters used during the 
      job run."" 

Do you have a volt meter?  If so, after you disable output #2 (disabling output #1
is optional at this point), try to turn the spindle on using the PMDX-107's test button.
 Measure the voltage AT THE PMDX-107 between the Aout and Agnd terminals.

""Voltage is 5.37  between Aout and Agnd and 120 Hz reading on the 

 Then also measure the voltage between the VFD's Vi and Acm terminals. 

""Voltage is 5.37 between Vi and Acm on the VFD and 120 Hz reading
     on the VFD""

They should both be around 10V.  Then press the 107's test button again to run
at 30% speed and measure the voltages.  You should see something around 3 volts in both places.

""On the 107 it will not go into the 30% speed currently for some reason: I
    have been able to see the 30% speed on another machine, so I know
    how to do this procedure.""

""Any further ideas?""

Very Best Regards,



  • Posts: 278
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Voltage is 5.37  between Aout and Agnd and 120 Hz reading on the VFD
What does "120 Hz reading" mean?  I mean, I know what "120 Hz" is, but what does that have to do with measuring the (DC) voltage on the 107's (or VFD's) terminals?  Or are you saying this is an AC voltage with a frequency of 120 Hz?

Back to basics:

Disconnect the VFD from the 107.  Press the 107's test button to get "full speed".  The 107's "PWM" LED should be on and bright.  Measure the DC voltage between the 107's Aout and Agnd terminals.

Press the test button again (or, if test mode has timed out and the 107 turned itself off, press the button twice).  Can you now get the 30% speed setting?  The 10's "PWM" LED should be on and dim (compared to full speed mode).  Measure the DC voltage between the 107's Aout and And terminals.

Again, thank for the help.
Answers in between ""aswer""

What does "120 Hz reading" mean?  I mean, I know what "120 Hz" is, but what
does that have to do with measuring the (DC) voltage on the 107's (or VFD's) terminals? 
Or are you saying this is an AC voltage with a frequency of 120 Hz?

""Sorry, I should have been clearer!!!  The 120Hz is the reading on the VFD
out of the 400Hz max...thus 30%...
Voltage is 5.37  between Aout and Agnd and 120 Hz reading on the VFD""

Back to basics:

Disconnect the VFD from the 107.  Press the 107's test button to get "full speed". 
The 107's "PWM" LED should be on and bright.  Measure the DC voltage between
the 107's Aout and Agnd terminals.

""With the wires to the VFD disconnected the first voltage it 5.38 with the 
     PWM LED Bright and the second is second is 1.63 volts and the PWM
     LED dims""

Press the test button again (or, if test mode has timed out and the 107 turned
itself off, press the button twice).  Can you now get the 30% speed setting? 
The 107's "PWM" LED should be on and dim (compared to full speed mode). 
Measure the DC voltage between the 107's Aout and And terminals.

""Thus, for some reason we are not getting 10vdc out of the 107""

Any further ideas?

Very Best Regards,



  • Posts: 278
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OK, now we are getting somewhere.  It sounds like the PMDX-107 is configured for 5V mode instead of 10V mode.  This is controlled by DIP switch #6.  You said earlier that you had all of the 107's DIP switches "off".  Just to confirm, "off" is with the switch pushed down towards the 10-pin header connector that plugs into the PMDX-126.

Try change switch #6 to the "on" position.  Repeat the 100% and 30% measurements as before (with the VFD disconnected from the 107).  Then switch DIP switch #6 back to the "off" position and repeat the measurements one more time.

If you now see 10V (or somewhere close to that), it may be that DIP switch #6 was not quite all the way "off".

""Well, I was Very Hopeful?""

Thanks for the help...

Again answers between ""answer""

OK, now we are getting somewhere.  It sounds like the PMDX-107 is configured
for 5V mode instead of 10V mode.  This is controlled by DIP switch #6.  You said
 earlier that you had all of the 107's DIP switches "off".  Just to confirm, "off" is
with the switch pushed down towards the 10-pin header connector that plugs into the PMDX-126.

""Ok, I changed switch #6 to "on" and it measures 2.57vdc a 100% and
    0.787vdc at 30%...

    Again changed switch #6 to "off" and it measures 5.38vdc at 100% and
    1.63vdc at 30%...""

Try change switch #6 to the "on" position.  Repeat the 100% and 30% measurements
 as before (with the VFD disconnected from the 107).  Then switch DIP switch #6 back
 to the "off" position and repeat the measurements one more time.

If you now see 10V (or somewhere close to that), it may be that DIP switch #6 was not
 quite all the way "off".

""Sounds to me like something on the PMDX126 is off???""

Any further ideas?

Very Best Regards,



  • Posts: 278
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Sounds like your 107 isn't working.  Contact PMDX support to confirm this and arrange an RMA

Thanks again for the very kind help...

I sent a note to Steve asking him to take a look
at this thread and let me know his thoughts.

Will post his comments here upon receipt.

Will be ordering 2 extra 107's also.

Very Best Regards,


Well, No Reply from Steve???

I sent the following email on 12 November:

"Hello Steve,

I purchased this 107 several years ago as a backup...used the other one for a friends project
and finally got around to installing it on my CNC router, but could not get it to work correctly and
thus, went out to your Forum to get help.

The result was this thread:

and 12Strings recommended that I ask for an RMA...

It has likely been 4+ years since I purchased it and thus I do not expect any warrenty , but need
to get it working.

Would you be so kind to check this thread and see what you think.

I will need to purchase at least 2 additional 107's also.

If it is something other than the 107 being bad, I would appreciate knowing what might be wrong.

Very Best Regards,

Preston "

Any recommendations on How to Get Steve to answer his email?

Best Regards,



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Hi Preston,
did you manage to sort the issue out? I am having exactly the same headache at the moment. I wonder if I should keep messing around or just buy new PMDX 107?