I bought a cheap "3 Axis CNC Kit" off of Ebay. I am using the PMDX424 in lieu of the BOB that came with the kit and am running Mach4 Hobby. I was able to get one of the three Microstep drivers to work. I contacted the vendor and they sent out 2 more drivers and of course they don't work either. I know that my kit is of dubious quality but I can't imagine that 4 out of 5 are bad. I did notice on the nonworking drivers that the motors do lock up when powered on if the PMDX424 was not powered on. When I apply power to the PMDX 424 the motors unlock. When I power everything down the the motors will lock back up briefly after the LED's on the PMDX424 cut off. Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on? Or is it as simple as my "import " stepper drivers are garbage.