Author Topic: problem running G Code  (Read 2516 times)


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problem running G Code
« on: June 05, 2020, 12:06:22 PM »
Hello, I have a 424 smart board attached to a 133 motherboard with g201x gecko drivers, and I've managed to get everything set up and running fine when I'm jogging the motors in Mach 4. The problem is as soon as I start to run something with G Code, I get this strange pulsing and the motors only move a fraction of what they are supposed to, and the pulsing won't stop until I cut the power to the 133. I tried reducing the speed and velocity of the motors, but no luck. Any thoughts what it might be?


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Re: problem running G Code
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2020, 04:57:44 PM »
When you are jogging, can you use "step jog" mode, set the jog increment to, say, 1.0 inch, jog once and have the axis move that far?  With "that far" being indicated both on the DROs (digital read out on the Mach4 screen) and by measuring the actual distance traveled?

What is the "Jog Rate" value (at the bottom of the "Jogging" tab)?  If it is "50%" (I think that is the default), try setting it to 100% and jog again.  Does it still work?

When you try running GCode, try a simple G0X1 type command (starting at position zero).  What does the X-axis DRO show and how does the axis move?  Then try "G1X1" (G1 instead of G0).  Any difference?

If none of that works or gives you any hints, you can also post a "profile package" here (go to Help->Support->Package Current Profile).


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Re: problem running G Code
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2020, 07:50:37 PM »
Yes, jogging one inch in any direction will show 1 inch on the DRO as well as physically moving one inch. I tried jogging at 100% and that seemed OK too. So I tried running the GCode
and that seemed to work no problem. I then went to the original GCode and added a few new lines to match what I originally had so it was now
and it seems moving more then one axis is what is causing it to start pulsing, so the line
started causing the issue.

I've also attached the profile if that helps any.
Thank you.


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Re: problem running G Code
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2020, 10:23:23 AM »
I haven't yet looked at your profile, but this sounds like it could be a motor power supply issue (maybe)?  Both examples you gave moved the all 3 axes at once.  What if you move just the X and Y axis at the same time?

What power supply are you using for the motors?  And what current settings do you have on the G201X drivers?  Can you measure the voltage out of the motor power supply when the motors start pulsing?