Author Topic: Proximity Homing switches led blinks  (Read 2788 times)

Proximity Homing switches led blinks
« on: November 11, 2020, 02:57:59 PM »
I have the PMDX 416 ( 53.263, 1.13.73, 0.60.208 and Mach4 build 4300)

Machine was working fine but now all of my proximity switches are blinking when they were normally lit steadily. They do not react to metal as they should.
I have looked through the setup files and don't see anything different.

Reloaded software/firmware but did not change.

I also went back to an earlier initialization and that had no effect.

Only light lit on the PMDX 416 is the yellow power light.

Any ideas on what to check? Has my board failed?



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Re: Proximity Homing switches led blinks
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2020, 03:38:33 PM »
The prox switches are blinking in Mach4?  Or the LEDs on the physical prox switches are blinking?

Try unplugging all the screw terminal connectors from the PMDX-416, then plug the USB into your PC.  Do you get any LEDs other than the power LED light up?  Specifically the red and green LEDs in the front panel?

Does Mach4 and the PMDX plug-in claim to be talking to the PMDX-416?  Or are you getting communication errors?

And finally, how are you powering your prox switches?  From the PMDX-416's 5V or ISO 5V?  Or from a separate power supply?

Re: Proximity Homing switches led blinks
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2020, 05:47:37 PM »
OK. After reading your response I went back and discovered that a wire common to all the proximity detectors was loose and the devices probably were not getting enough voltage/current.
Tightened things up and everything is back to normal.

By the way, I am powering them from a separate 24 volt supply and not from the +5 on the board.

Thanks for the quick response.
