Author Topic: New installation - morors not reacting  (Read 2604 times)


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New installation - morors not reacting
« on: May 29, 2022, 09:26:44 AM »

I am a definite noob with CNC and have difficulty getting things to work correctly.

I just got my SmartBob424 USB connected to my laptop. Mach4 sees the 424 without errors. The RED and GREEN LEDs light up as expected. DS4 light up when I "enable" the Mach 4 and DS3 fashes when I press the JOG buttons. The stepper motors however do not react.

I have Nema34s connected to DM860A drivers that shipped with them. they are connected as described in their documentation.

The connection from the driver to the SB424 is as follows..
driver side               -               SB424 side
PUL+(+5v)              -               COM
PUL-(PUL)                -               STEP
DIR+(+5) bridged with PUL+(+5v)
DIR-(DIR)                -               DIR

Two gantry motors are connected to Motor3A and Motor3B - X-axis
Motor2 - Y-axis
Motor3 - Z-axis

I've set the Ste/Dir common to 5v in the PMDX Plugin config screen.




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Re: New installation - motors not reacting
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2022, 11:15:42 AM »


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Re: New installation - morors not reacting
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2022, 02:22:01 AM »

Steve Stallings

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Re: New installation - morors not reacting
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2022, 08:12:57 PM »
Your motor drivers likely have an input called Enable or something similar. This input uses a confusing name due to industry convention. The driver will run normally if you leave this input disconnected. When you apply a signal to this input it will DISABLE the driver.
Steve Stallings