Author Topic: TruCut CNC error ESS_v10rd1d  (Read 4817 times)


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TruCut CNC error ESS_v10rd1d
« on: August 25, 2022, 02:56:27 AM »
I have a friend who just bought a TruCut CNC plasma table. Came with a win8 pc. He trucked it over 700 miles back here to Kansas. When he picked it up, he seen the operator fire up the machine, and it worked. So he gets it back here, unloads it, sets everything up, and it throws an error.

ESS_v10rd1d CTftp::WakeUpCleint Board does not reply.

The main board is a PWDX-126 rev C with a ESS rev 2. His PC is running Mach3 and sheetcam.

Amongst are group of friends... I'm the geek. I'm big in to 3d printing (5 printers, two desktop CNC's and a few laser cutters and I'm building a Root4 CNC from scratch at the moment.) So I get a call to go look at it. I'm not familiar with PMDX boards.(But interested now, looking at the offerings.)
As far as I can tell, There is an issue with the pc talking to the controller board. He is connected directly via Ethernet. There is no USB on the board, but an unpopulated serial connector on the bottom of the 126. So the only connection is and has been Ethernet on the ESS v2 breakout board sitting on the board.  One thing I noticed is both the Ethernet lights on the board and the PC are 100% non-active. No blinking whatsoever.

Here is images of the board/s.

My buddy is chasing a dream and I hope to help him in any way I can, so any input in to how to get the 126 to talk to his PC or what his options are would be hugely appreciated.


Steve Stallings

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Re: TruCut CNC error ESS_v10rd1d
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2022, 11:52:46 AM »
One of your photos shows a pop-up window from the ESS plug-in that says:

"CTftp::WakeUpClient board does not reply"

This indicates that the ESS plugin in Mach3 was unable to connect to the ESS SmoothStepper board.

This could be due to IP address configuration errors for the plugin or problems with Ethernet communications card or wiring associated with the computer.

The ESS is made by and they have tutorials and a support forum that you can sign up for help. It is worth while to sign up as the support on the forum is generally good and they do not offer phone support.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2022, 11:59:30 AM by Steve Stallings »
Steve Stallings