Author Topic: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays  (Read 21516 times)


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Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:33:01 PM »
I have my PMDX-126 and ESS working with no problems. I am now converting the gear head mill to a variable speed belt drive. I need some help verifying if I have the correct connections from the PMDX-107 to the VFD, how the jumpers on the PMDX-126 need to be configured and what settings on the PMDX-126 need to be made to control two solid state relays for coolant and mist.

I have the VFD running the motor in manual mode so that is all okay. The VFD is a Huanyang HY02D223B.

These are the settings I think are correct.

PMDX-107 ---> VFD
Pin 6 - Rev/Dir ---->       REV (reverse run)
Pin 5 - Fwd/Run ---->    FOR (forward run)
Pin 4 - COM (common terminal for relays, pins 5 & 6) ----> DCM (common terminal of digital and control signals)
Pin 3 - Aref (not used)
Pin 2 - Aout (spindle speed analog control voltage) ----> VI (analog voltage frequency reference input)
Pin 1 - Agnd (VSD ground reference) ----> ACM (common terminal of analog and control signals)

PMDX-107  Config settings (dip switches)
Config 1 = Off (Normal Mode)
Config 2 = Off (Normal Mode)
Config 3 = Off (relays operate as for and reverse control signals)
Config 4 = Off (charge pump signal required)
Slow = Off (fast PWM filter response) (may need to be changed to slow if VFD cannot keep up)
5v/10v = Off (10v reference)
PMDX-126 Settings
Config 1 = Open
Config 2 = Closed
Config 3 = Closed
Config 4 = Closed
Config 5 = Closed
Config 6 = Closed
Config 7 = ???
Config 8 = ???

Steve Stallings

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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2015, 11:32:47 PM »
Looks like you nailed it for wiring and switch setting. There are two
more things to take care of:

1) Setting the parameters in the VFD. From the factory the settings
are usually configured to control the run mode and speed from the
panel on the VFD. You typically need to change at least two settings,
often the first two parameters, so that the VFD looks at its screw
terminal interface for commands.

2) The ESS needs an acceleration setting for the spindle speed. Without
it the speed will not ramp up. See this application note for info:

We also recommend that you get the VFD responding to the speed
calibration button on the PMDX-107 before proceeding to try to control
things from your software.
Steve Stallings


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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2015, 12:36:12 AM »

Thank you for confirming the control wiring.

I am still unsure of the settings for JP1 & JP2 and the config switches 7 & 8 on the pmdx-126.

Additionally, with 4 axis and the 107 all the output pins from PP#1 are used. To control two solid state relays for coolant and mist do I use A, B, C or D on J5 on PP#2? 


Steve Stallings

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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2015, 02:02:59 AM »
The SmoothStepper does give you access to Port 2 and can control the signals
on J5. They map as follows:

A = Port 2 Pin 1
B = Port 2 Pin 14
C = Port 2 Pin 16
D = Port 2 Pin 17

The settings of JP1 and JP2 depend on what other features you
wish to use.

One useful setup is to use the small K2 relay as part of a power
control and E-Stop circuit. To do this, you need to set JP2 in the
"MultiMode" position, set DIP switch 8 to the Open position so
that K2 follows the state of "Outputs Enabled", and set DIP
switch 1 open (2 and 3 still closed) so that the Charge Pump
functions. There is an application about power control  using
this feature here:

The signal on Port 1 Pin 1 remains available to control the
large K1 relay. JP1 should be in the Pin 1 position if you want
to use this relay. If you prefer to use this signal for a SSR
on the Pin 1 output on J6, then you can remove the clip from
JP1 entirely to disable K2 so that it does not click on and off.
The setting of DIP switch 7 is a "don't care" because you are
not using K1 in "multimode".

The signals on Port 1 Pins 14 and 16 are used by the PMDX-107.

If you should ever want to run a 5th axis you can do that with
unused pins on J5 which the SmoothStepper can drive as a
stepper motor.

Steve Stallings


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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2015, 11:43:36 PM »
Stave, thank you for the clarification on the relays. The manual had me thinking K1 and K2 were disabled because of the 107.

I have the spindle turning on/off with Mach3 but I cannot set the speed. The spindle always goes to full speed regardless of the "S" command. Mach3 thinks it is going to the correct speed but it is always 100%.

I followed the AN002 so I'm not sure where I have gone wrong?



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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2015, 12:22:06 AM »
Also when I run the test mode the VFD will not go to 30% on the second test button push.



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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2015, 01:35:32 AM »
Found one problem. I did not have one of the VFD parameters set for the proper frequency input.

Now when I run the test I get 100% (105hz) on the first button push and approximately 60%(67hz) on the second button push. It still does not go to 30%.

In mach3 I have the pulley setup for Max rpm of 6000 (105hz) Min rpm of 300 (5%) and a pulley ratio of 2 (4" motor pulley/ 2" spindle pulley). I don't know what the reverse box is for but I have tried at ratio od 0.5, 1 and 2 with the reverse box checked and un-checked with no difference. It always goes to 100% on an M command regardless of the S command setting. I can use the override to slow or speed up the spindle.


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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2015, 12:35:41 PM »
These are my setting if it is of any help.

PMDX-126 BOB, PMDX-107 Motor Control, ESS Motion Controller.

MOTOR, 220v, 2hp, 3ph, 1725rpm, inverter duty, class F

VFD = Huanyang HY02D223B Settings

pd001 = 1, run command = external terminals
PD002 = 1, operating frequency source = external terminals
pd003 = 60.00, main frequency
pdoo4 = 60.00, base frequency
pd005 = 120.00, max frequency
pd008 = 220, max voltage
pd141 = 220, rated motor voltage
pd142 = 8.0, rated motor current
pd143 = 4, motor pole number
pd144 = 1725, rated motor revolution
pd176 = 60.00, inverter frequency standard

ESS Settings

PWM, base hz 25

Mach3 Settings


Use Spindle Motor Output
PWM Control
PWM Base Freq = 25
Minimum PWM 5%

Steps per = 1000
Velocity = 60
Acceleration = 5000

Pulley 1, Min Speed = 300, Max Speed = 6000, Ratio = 2 (4" motor pulley, 2" spindle pulley)
Pulley 2, Min Speed = 75, Max Speed = 1500, Ratio = 0.5 (2" motor pulley, 4" spindle pulley)


Steve Stallings

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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2015, 09:55:55 PM »

All looks good except your pulley ranges. Normally the pulley
numbers in the Mach3 setup should use 0 as the lower end of
the range.

If I understand the math that Mach3 uses, you are telling Mach
that 0 volts out is expected to produce the RPMs that you enter
in the low end of the range. Using something other than 0 will
distort the math and should only be used if you have set up
similar offset and scaling in your VFD, something the is almost
never done.

If you need to enforce a minimum RPM to be sure that your
motor has adequate cooling or does not draw too much current
at low RPM, use the minimum PWM to create a lower limit.

Give this a try and see if it helps.

Steve Stallings


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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2015, 10:15:00 PM »

That made some progress but now (on pulley 1) if I enter s3000 or above I get 100% (6000 rpm). S1500 gives me appox 3000 rpm. So it appears to be doubling somewhere. I'm wondering if there is another VFD setting that needs to be set?


Steve Stallings

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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2015, 10:38:21 PM »
I suggest using the calibration test button on the PMDX-107 to
verify what speeds the 100% and 30% voltage outputs from the
PMDX-107 produce at the spindle. This will take the math functions
in Mach3 out of the picture.

If you get unexpected speeds, then look for invalid assumptions about
your mechanical pulley ratios or to the parameters in your VFD.
Steve Stallings


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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2015, 11:11:29 PM »
Steve, I freally appreciate your feedback.

Running the CAL test with the pot set full CCW I get no increase in spindle speed. Always 100% (105hz) no matter where the pot is. At 30% with the pot at full CCW the VFD drops to 67hz. With the pot at a half tun the 30% speed is 94hz.

So it sounds like it is a VFD setting?


Steve Stallings

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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2015, 11:30:40 PM »
Yes, it sounds like your VFD is mapping the voltage to a greater speed
than we need and expect.

If you have meter, you should be able to confirm that you can get about
10 volts between Agnd and Aout of the PMDX-107 at 100% PWM and
about 3 volts at 30% PWM.

A lot of users set up these Huanyang VFDs to run 400 Hz 24,000 RPM
router spindles. If yours was configured for the command scaling to
accommodate this, then 30% of 400 Hz is about 120 Hz. Separate
parameters in the VFD control the scaling and the maximum speeds
allowed, so it is possible to get strange results like you describe if
the parameters are not in agreement. Look to see if any of the
parameters that accept Hz as the number are set for anything
greater than 120 Hz.
Steve Stallings


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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2015, 11:39:53 PM »

A bit of a breakthrough. I went through the VFD settings and found PD072 -" Higher Analog Frequency" to have been  factory set at 400hz. I changed this to 105hz and it slowed everything down too much so I put it at 200hz and now I am getting close to the correct values. With the trim pot at full CCW at 30% I now get 34hz which is a little higher than I should have. I could possibly tune the PD072 value but I'm not sure what this setting is for?

I believe we are out of the realm of PMDX issues so thank you for your help.



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Re: Setting up PMDX-107/VFD with PMDX-126 and relays
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2015, 11:52:31 PM »
I got it. I'm a bit thick in the head sometimes. I set PD072 to 105hz and re-ran the Calibration. Tuned the spindle to 6000 rpm and all is working perfect.

Thank you again for your time!

Best Regards,
