Model PMDX-134
Simple Motherboard for Geckodrive
G201X, G203V, G210X and G213V
Stepper Motor Drivers
Top image shows PMDX-134 set up with typical installation using a PMDX-125 or
ribbon cable, and 4 Gecko G203V drivers.
Click on image for larger view

This image is a top view showing Geckodrive G203V
drivers installed under a PMDX-134.
Click on image for larger view

This image is an edge view showing Geckodrive G203V
drivers installed under a PMDX-134.
Click on image for larger view

This image shows the bare PMDX-134 as delivered.
Click on image for larger view
The PMDX-134 is a mother board for interfacing Gecko stepper drivers with CNC
Features of the PMDX-134
- Simplifies system wiring and makes most connections pluggable.
- Mates directly with up to 4 each G201X or 4 each G203V Gecko drivers by plugging onto
terminal strip pins of the drives.
NOTE: The PMDX-134 does NOT support mixing G201X and G203V drivers on the same PMDX-134 board.
- Future Gecko stepper drivers that use Ground as COM (common) for Step and
Direction may also be compatible.
- Allows unobstructed access to Gecko adjustment potentiometers and DIP switches
- Includes 2 standoffs for mounting the PMDX-134 at the correct height
- Does NOT
support the G320 and G340 servo drivers or older G201, G202, G210, and G212
stepper motor drivers.
- Can connect directly to a PC parallel port using PMDX-DB25Ribbon
and PMDX-DB25MtoM cables
- Can connect to PMDX-125 or PMDX-126
using a PMDX-HDR26Ribbon or PMDX-HDR26Ribbon-18
- Can connect to other breakout boards with compatible parallel port ribbon
header connectors.
- Can connect to the SmoothStepper or other pulse generators with parallel
port style ribbon header connectors.
- Motor connections are made by re-using the pluggable terminal strips
supplied with the Gecko drivers.
Breakout board feature comparison
** Geckodrive, Inc. the maker of the Gecko stepper motor drives is a separate company
from PMDX and is not responsible for the statements made on this web site or in other PMDX
Note: The step and direction signals used to run this board
as a real time CNC device require precise timing. These signals are normally provided by a
personal computer motherboard with an onboard parallel port, a parallel port interface
card plugged into a motherboard with ISA, PCI, or PCI-Express slots, or by an external
device such as the PMDX-410, PMDX-411 or
PMDX-422 with Mach4, or the SmoothStepper.
You cannot use a USB to printer adapter because
it will alter critical timing of CNC control signals. Laptop computers, even
those with parallel port interfaces, are not recommended as CNC control
computers due to design features that can alter critical timing. If you must use
a laptop be prepared to deal with these design issues and/or plan on using an
external pulse generating device such as the PMDX-410,
PMDX-411 or PMDX-422 with
Mach4, or a SmoothStepper.
Download the manual in PDF format here
(revision 1.2, 162 KB, 6 Dec 2013).
The PMDX-134 is priced at $61.00
Cables are sold separately, please order the ones that you need.
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options - click HERE